Guernsey Pony Club Show Jumping (Going Ahead)

Show Date
Sun, Mar 23, 2025
Closing Date
Thu, Mar 20, 2025
Enter Online
Starting Times:
Commencing 9.30am. Times will be given after entries close and warm-up will take place in the main arena.

Class 1
Pole Class    
Entry Fee:
Optimum Time, Poles on the ground
Class 2
Cross Pole Jumping    
Entry Fee:
Optimum Time, X-poles
Class 3
Cross Poles & Straights (0.40m)    
Entry Fee:
Optimum Time, X-poles/ uprights
Class 4
Show Jumping (0.45m)    
Entry Fee:
Optimum Time
Class 5
Show Jumping (0.50m)    
Single Phase
Entry Fee:
Class 6
Show Jumping (0.60m)    
Single Phase
Entry Fee:
Class 7
Show Jumping (0.70m)    
Single Phase
Entry Fee:
Class 8
Show Jumping (0.80m)    
Single Phase
Entry Fee:
Class 9
Show Jumping (0.90m)    
Single Phase
Entry Fee:
Class 10
Show Jumping (1.00m)    
Single Phase
Entry Fee:
Class 11
Show Jumping (1.10m)    
Single Phase
Entry Fee:
(A larger class can be put on if requested)

Show Secretary: Guernsey Pony Club Entries Secretary

Guernsey Riding & Hunt Club, Les Bordages, St Saviours, Guernsey, Channel Isles

Show Information
Open to Pony Club Members and GRHC members under 25 years (Pony Club Age)
Thank you to our judge Jan Coomer and our course designer Roger Hughes
Classes will be held with single fences (no doubles) and Juniors/Seniors combined.
Lead rein competitors can take part in classes 1 and 2 only. If entries allow these classes may be split into lead rein and non-lead rein sections.
Helpers are allowed in classes 1 to 4 only.
Classes 1 to 4 inclusive will run under the current Pony Club Show-jumping rulebook.
All other classes will run under British Show jumping rules as per the current member handbook.
Classes 5 to 11 - two classes per horse/pony only. However, an additional HC round may be allowed at the judge’s discretion if the horse or pony has been eliminated.

Payment Details & Event Fees
ENTRIES: Jumping Classes - Via My Riding Life; before 8pm on Thursday 20th March. Late entries will be accepted at double the normal entry fee.
Payment is secure and it goes directly to Guernsey Pony Club.
You will receive an email confirmation of your booking and payment.

Lead Rein and Introductory Section – All entries £6/class
Height Jumping – All entries £8/class

Terms & Conditions
1. All non-Pony Club competitors are not covered by The Pony Club insurance and must therefore have their own 3rd party cover. 2. The decision of the judges shall be final and no objections shall be entertained. 3. The organisers retain the right to disqualify any competitor for any cruelty or discourteousness. 4. No horse or pony under the age of four may compete. 5. Hard hats to current pony club standards must be worn with the chin strap fastened when mounted at all times. 6. “Balance reins” designed to prevent small ponies putting their heads down to the ground while ridden can only be used in classes 1 and 2. These must be fitted to allow normal movement. 7. All dogs must be kept on leads. 8. The organisers reserve the right to cancel and/or amend any of the classes as they feel fit or to alter advertised times or refuse entry without stating reason. 9. WHIPS & SPURS – only whips of the affiliated approved baton type are permitted for both warm-up and competition. Any competitor who is considered, by a Pony Club Committee member or official, to be using either a whip or spurs in an abusive or excessive way will be asked to leave the competition. Pony Club members may only wear spurs if they have passed the spurs test or C+ or are aged 18 or over.

Save for the death or personal injury caused by the negligence of the organisers, or anyone for whom they are in law responsible, neither the organisers of this event or The Pony Club nor any agent, employee or representative of these bodies, nor the landlord or his tenant, accepts any liability for any accident, loss, damage, injury or illness to horses, owners, riders, spectators, land, cars, their contents and accessories, or any other person or property. Entries are only accepted on this basis.

Health and Safety
The organisers of this event have taken all reasonable precautions to ensure the health and safety of everyone present. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents occurring and must obey the instructions of the organisers and all officials and stewards.


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