JDH Pony Club Arena Eventing (Going Ahead)

Show Date
Sat, Mar 29, 2025
Closing Date
Fri, Mar 21, 2025
Enter Online
Starting Times:


Times: starting at 10.00am

Class 1
Arena Eventing    
Entry Fee:
Cross Poles
Class 2
Arena Eventing (0.40m)    
Entry Fee:
Class 3
Arena Eventing (0.50m)    
Entry Fee:
Class 4
Arena Eventing (0.60m)    
Entry Fee:
Class 5
Arena Eventing (0.70m)    
Entry Fee:
Class 6
Arena Eventing (0.80m)    
Entry Fee:
Class 7
Arena Eventing (0.90m)    
Entry Fee:

Show Secretary: Jersey Drag Hunt Pony Club Entries Secretary
Email: jdhpc.entries@gmail.com

Jersey Bsja Showground, St. Lawrence, Jersey

Show Information

What is Arena Eventing?  Arena Eventing is a two phase competition where competitors will jump a course of showjumps, immediately followed by a course of XC style fences, using the AWA and the amal grow field. There will be no more than 20 jumping efforts in total.

This will be a fun, relaxed and welcoming competition, open to all those jumping cross poles and above. We’d love to see members who have never tried arena eventing before, as well as those who are more experienced. Come along and have a go!  

Pony/rider combinations ponies may enter up to 2 classes

Course Walk:  The course will be ready from 5pm Friday 28 March and again on Saturday morning before commencement. There will be no course walking between classes on the day.

The winner of each class will be the competitor with the lowest number of penalties In the event of a tie, the winner will be the one closest to, but under the optimum time

Dress Code

·         XC colours can be worn

·         Skull cap hats and body protectors must be worn (Hats must be tagged to ensure compliance to Pony Club standards.)  Please see Hat and Body Protector rules below.

·         Neckstraps or martingales are recommended.

·         No jewellery is allowed (other than medical jewellery and a wristwatch)

·       Tack should be in accordance with Pony Club Rules. 




This competition will include a variety of show jumps and cross-country style jumps. It will be run as a single round competition with two phases.  The first phase will be the show jumps and the second phase the cross-country element.  All competitors proceed to second phase whether penalties have been incurred or not, except eliminated riders.  The second phase (XC) will be timed, with the lowest number of jumping penalties and (in the event of equal score) closest to the optimum time.

SJ Phase Penalties

Knock down

4 penalties

1st Refusal

4 penalties

2nd Refusal

8 penalties

3rd Refusal


Fall of Rider


Fall of Horse


Starting before bell / re-taking obstacle already jumped / Error of course



XC Phase Penalties

Knock down

4 penalties

1st Refusal, run out or circle at obstacle

20 penalties

2nd Refusal, run out or circle at same obstacle

40 penalties

3rd Refusal, run out or circle at same obstacle


Four refusals around the whole course


Fall of Rider


Fall of Horse


Starting before bell / re-taking obstacle already jumped / Error of course


Every commenced second over the optimum time (only the XC phase will be timed)

0.4 penalty

Every commenced second more than 5 seconds under the optimum time

0.4 penalties

Exceeding time limit (3 times allowed)



Hat Rule

All hats CANNOT be fixed peak and must comply with Pony Club rules

hat-rule-2023.pdf (pcuk.org) (PAS 015 or 2011, VGI, Snell E2001, AS/NZS 3838 (2006 onwards) or ATSM F1163) 


Body Protector Rule

BETA 2018 Level 3 standard (blue and black label) body protectors are compulsory and must also be worn at all times whilst mounted.

body-protector-rule-2023.pdf (pcuk.org)


Payment Details & Event Fees

Bookings and payment in advance only. You can book using our Secure Online Entry System
Payment is secure and it goes directly to Jersey Drag Hunt Branch Of The Pony Club.
You will receive an email confirmation of your booking and payment.

Entries: £10.00 per class.  All entries via My Riding Life by Friday 21 March 2025 and will be on a first come basis and a wait list will be held.




Refunds only given with a vet note, doctors note or 48 hours’ notice.

Terms & Conditions


NON-MEMBERS All non-Pony Club competitors are not covered by The Pony Club insurance and must have their own third-party

cover. The Jersey Drag Hunt Branch of The Pony Club and the organisers of this event are not legally responsible for non-

Members and their insurance will not cover you. Please provide evidence of your third-party cover.

HEALTH AND SAFETY Organisers of this event have taken reasonable precautions to ensure the Health and Safety of everyone

present. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents

occurring and must obey the instructions of the organisers and all the officials and stewards.

LEGAL LIABILITY Save for the death or personal injury caused by the negligence of the organisers, or anyone for whom they are

in law responsible, neither the organisers of this event or The Pony Club nor any agent, employee or representative of these

bodies, nor the landlord or his tenant, accepts any liability for any accident, loss, damage, injury or illness to horses, owners,

riders, spectators, land, cars, their contents and accessories or any other personal property whatsoever, whether caused by their

negligence, breach of contract or in any other way whatsoever. Entries are only accepted on this basis.


Email Secretary - jdhpc.entries@gmail.com
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Event promoted by www.equineaffairs.com - The UK's Biggest Show Directory, www.myridinglife.com - The UK's Biggest Show Entries Website and is part of Show Software produced by Affairs Group IT www.affairsgroup.co.uk