MGS & Signature Dressage Area 19 Side Saddle Spring Show (Going Ahead)

Show Date
Sun, Apr 13, 2025
Enter Online
Starting Times:
12noon prompt - Judge: Ms V Hodgett

Class 1
Costume Concours d’Elegance    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Horses are required to perform a walk and trot go round – canter optional in shows. The sole criterion for this class is the overall picture presented by horse / pony and rider and the costume. Safe tack must be used. Detailed inspection of the rider's period costume is not required. Fancy dress is not permitted. In this class the judge is again looking at the overall picture and it is really a judge's own preference as to which costume is the winner. The way of going will also help the rider to show off their costume to its best.
Class 2
SSA Equitation Championship Adult Qualifier    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
1.00pm (prompt) Run under SSA rules defined in the current Members’ Handbook. Open to SSA Adult Members and Non- Members aged 18 or over on 1st January of the current year. Members carrying their current Championship Points Cards are eligible for SSA rosettes to 3rd place and SSA Championship Points. A rosette sponsored in memory of The Late Mr R Philpot is offered to the Adult Member, judged to be the best turned out. Competitors must wear a hat to current Safety Standard or above. Sir Lancelot qualifier to be awarded in this class.
Class 3
Walk & Trot Freestyle Equitation    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Free Style Equitation Open to all ages & lead reins welcome (Habits optional – Competitors entering this class are not allowed to enter classes 1 or 7)
Class 4
Novice Side Saddle Riding Class    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Novice Side Saddle Horse or Rider. Walk and trot on the go round with optional canter in the go round. Aimed at horses and or riders who are new to Side Saddle.
Class 5
SSA Classical Ladies Side Saddle Qualifier    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Open to SSA Adult Members and Non-members, aged 18 and over on January 1st of the current year, riding saddle, on horses exceeding 148cm (14.2hh). To be judged 25% conformation and action, 25% manners and way of going, 25% rider, and 25% turnout of horse & rider. Judges may request a short show but exhibits; horses will not be stripped. Traditional habits must be worn. Fancy Dress and Period Costumes NOT permitted. NB Silks Hats are permitted to be worn in this class AT ANY TIME OF THE DAY. Judges must use the mark sheet provided. The highest placed horse/rider combination qualifies for the Final to be held at the National Side Saddle Show. In the event of previous qualification, the Qualification Card may be passed down to fourth place. The highest placed horse/rider combination qualifies for the Final to be held at the National Side Saddle Show. One special rosette and the qualification card will be given to the qualifying combination each show, this may not always be the winner. If the winner has already qualified, they may be passed down to fourth place. Qualifiers kindly sponsored by Mrs. T. Mitchell and Mr. L. Mitchell. Qualifying combinations are required to become Full Members of the SSA 21 days prior to the National Side Saddle Show or as soon as possible if qualified after that date to be eligible to compete at the Final. Combinations qualifying between one National Side Saddle Show and the next may carry forward the qualification, for that year only. The four highest placed Riding Horse, Hack (not ex 160cm), Cob or Hunter, Mare or Gelding, 4 years and over, ridden by a SSA Adult Member qualify for the current year’s BSHA Championship Show Mears Ladies Show Horse Championship and if already qualified the ticket will go to the next highest placed horse down to 5th place. Combinations qualifying after the current year’s BSHA Championship Show may carry forward the qualification, to the following year. SSA Members who qualify for The Mears Ladies Show Horse Championship, will not be required to join the BSHA in order to compete in any Side Saddle class at the BSHA National Championship Show. If the BSHA Championship Show entries have closed at the time of qualification, competitors will not be charged a late entry fee for the Championship. Competitors must wear a hat to current Safety Standard or above.
Class 6
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Side Saddle Veteran Horse or Rider. Open to riders 60 years of age and over or horses age 15 year and over at the time of the show.
Class 7
SSA Equitation Championship Junior Qualifier    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Run under SSA rules defined in the current Members’ Handbook. Open to SSA Junior Members and Non- Members aged under 18 on 1st January of the current year. Members carrying their current Championship Points Cards are eligible for SSA rosettes to 3rd place and SSA Championship Points. Southernden Farm sponsor a rosette to the highest placed Member aged under 14 on 1st January of the current year. Just So Elegant Side Saddle Hire sponsor a rosette to the Junior Member, judged to be the best turned out. Competitors must wear a hat to current Safety Standard or above. Lady Guinevere qualifier to be awarded in this class.
Class 8
Best Horse or Pony    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Open to horses and ponies 4 years old or over, conformation & manners will be taken into consideration. Horses/ponies will not be stripped. Special rosettes to the highest placed Adult & Junior member of the SSA carrying their current championship points cards. NSSG Special rosette to be awarded to the highest placed member carrying their current membership card. The highest placed coloured exhibit (who has not already qualified) receives a Special Rosette and qualifies for the Side Saddle Final at the CHAPS Championship Show. Open to any type of exhibit. Riders must be 16 or over. Rider/Owners need not be a member, or their exhibits registered with CHAPS at the time of qualification, but in order to compete at the Championships, the Rider/Owner must be a showing member and their horse/pony registered with CHAPS before entering the final.
Class 9
SSA Contemporary Ladies Side Saddle Qualifier    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Open to SSA Adult and Junior Members and Non-members riding a Native, Part Bred, Heavy or World Breed horse pony side saddle. To be judged 25% suitability of horse/pony for rider, 25% manners and way of going for type, 25% rider, and 25% turnout of horse & rider. Conformation will not be taken into consideration. The Judge will request a short show. Traditional habits must be worn. N.B. Silk hats are permitted to be worn in this class AT ANY TIME OF THE DAY Judges are requested to use the mark sheet provided. The highest placed horse/rider combination qualifies for the Final to be held at the National Side Saddle Show. One special rosette and the qualification card will be given to the qualifying combination at each show, this may not always be the winner; if the winner has already qualified, they may be passed down to fourth place. Qualifiers kindly sponsored by Southernden Side Saddles Qualifying combinations are required to become Full Members of the SSA 21 days prior to the National Side Saddle Show or as soon as possible if qualified after that date to be eligible to compete at the Final. Combinations qualifying between one National Side Saddle Show and the next may carry forward the qualification, for that year only. Competitors must wear a hat to current Safety Standard or above.
Class 10
Side Saddle Riding Club Horse/ Pony    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Open to horses and ponies 4 years old or over. Riders will be required to give a short show including a small jump, maximum 61cm (2’). The height may be adjusted during the course of the class at the Judge’s discretion. The class shall be judged on the show, the manners of horse/pony and its suitability for the rider. Conformation will not be considered. A Special rosette will be awarded to the highest placed Adult and Junior Members of the SSA carrying their current Championship Points Cards. Competitors must wear a hat to current Safety Standard or above.

Show Secretary: Claire Marie Senior
Cobcroft Lane, Cridling Stubbs, Knottingley, West Yorks, WF11 0AZ
Mobile: 07739973656, Email:, Website:

Manor Grange Stud, Cobcroft Lane, Cridling Stubbs, Knottingley, West Yorks WF110AZ
Map Link: Manor Grange Stud

Show Information
Open both to SSA members and non-members.
All Classes will be run under S.S.A. rules as defined in the current Member’s Handbook.
Competitors must always wear a hat to current Safety Standard or above and for all classes (no acceptations)

Payment Details & Event Fees
Entries in advance only. You can book using our Secure Online Entry System.
Payment is secure and it goes directly to Signature Dressage.
You will receive an email confirmation of your booking and payment.

Entry fees: SSA Members £15 per class - Non-members £18 per class Walk trot class £8.
Entries received after closing date will be accepted but will incur an extra charge of £3 per class (No exceptions)
For competitors already entered wishing to enter an extra class/’s on the day, will not incur the extra charge!

Stabling Information: Yes

Prize Information
Rosettes to 6th place in all classes.
Junior and Senior points champion of the day. Open to SSA members only, points gained in classes on the day. The following points can be gained. 1st = 6 points 2nd = 5 points 3rd = 4 points 4th = 3 points 5th = 2 points 6th = 1 point

Hot & Cold refreshments on sale all day!


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