Tendring Hundred Riding Club Pole Clinic with Jo Mason (Going Ahead)

Show Date
Sun, Aug 10, 2025
Enter Online
Starting Times:

1 hour sessions from 9am. Riders will be notified of times once groups are confirmed.

Enquiries to Jo Mason 07725 369025

Class 1
Polework Training Clinic - Group Lesson    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Please put the height of your horse/pony in the notes section to help put you in the right group.

Show Secretary: Tendring Hundred Riding Club Show Secretary
Email: thrc.entries@outlook.com

Tendring Hundred Riding Club Showground, Weeley, Essex CO169JH

Show Information

Jo Mason is holding another of her popular polework clinics at THRC 

9am start - 1 hour group sessions

Open to THRC members and non-members.


Entries close the Wednesaday before the clinic date (these may close earlier if full or be extended if necessary)

This is for any level. PLEASE LET US KNOW THE HEIGHT OF YOUR HORSE/PONY SO YOU CAN JOIN THE CORRECT GROUP (use the notes section for this).

Payment Details & Event Fees

PRE-BOOKING ONLY. Please enter online via www.myridinglife.com
Payment is secure and it goes directly to Tendring Hundred Riding Club.
You will receive an email confirmation of your booking and payment.

Cost: Non Members £25, THRC Members £20 (Groups of up to 4)



Cancellations will only be accepted up until the closing date. If you cancel after this time, you will only be refunded, if we can fill your place as we still must pay the venue/instructors, minus the booking fee or happy to offer voucher to be used at any THRC event. Many thanks.

The closing date may be brought forward or extended depending on entries.

Terms & Conditions

Tendring Hundred Riding Club Event Rules & Information

Health and Safety

·       Tendring Hundred Riding Club has taken all reasonable precautions to ensure the health and safety of everyone present. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents occurring and must obey the instructions of the organisers /stewards whether written or verbal. All attendees at THRC events must conduct themselves so that they do not put themselves or anyone else at risk.

·       HATS must be worn whenever mounted and conform to PAS015 (2011), VG01.040 2014-12 with a BSI Kite mark or Inspec IC mark, ASTM F1163.2004a onwards with SEI mark, SNELL 2016 (with official SNELL label and number) or AS/NZS 3838 (2006 onwards.) For up-to-date hat rules please see the current 2024 BRC Rule Book or download guide at (https://www.bhs.org.uk/media/42eimqlt/2023-brc-hat-tagging-guide-for-competitors-v1.pdf). Any other standards/dates are NOT acceptableThese hat standards are new for 2024.


·        All THRC members will be covered by their BRC insurance. Non-members are not covered by BRC insurance. It is mandatory for non-members attending THRC events to have third party liability insurance.

·         Tendring Hundred Riding Club shall not be liable for any claim in respect of damage, loss, injury or accident to any person, horse or property howsoever caused. It shall be deemed a condition of entry that each entrant has read and understood these terms and conditions and shall indemnify THRC or any person acting on their behalf against any legal action arising from such an incident.


The protection of children, young people and adults at risk while participating in any sport is of the highest importance as they should be able to take part in a fun, safe environment and be protected from harm. Tendring Hundred Riding Club is affiliated to British Riding Clubs and as such adheres to the BHS Policy on safeguarding, details of which can be found at http://www.bhs.org.uk/safeguardingchildren .THRC as an affiliate of British Riding Clubs reserves the right to restrict or prohibit attendance at any of its events to anyone who BRC considers to be an unsuitable person. For BRC’s policy on unsuitable persons please see http://www.bhs.org.uk/safeguardingchildren. THRC has an appointed Club Safeguarding Officer (CSO); further details on Safeguarding can be found on www.tendringhundredrc.co.uk .

Code of Conduct

THRC believes that it is important that members, coaches, parents/carers and all associated volunteers should, at all times, show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare of others. In view of this THRC expects everyone to abide by the following general code of conduct:

Participants and Members should:

·       Show respect for their ponies and horses, instructors, officials, competition organisers and stewards and their fellow members/competitors.

·        Abide by the rules of the competition and accept the decisions of the event stewards and organisers.

·        Query a decision they do not understand in a polite manner and listen to the explanation.

·        Support the other members of their team (where relevant) and also the other members of the organization.

·        Report any inappropriate behaviour.

They should not:

·        Possess or consume alcohol or illegal and performance-enhancing drugs

·        Smoke

·        Use foul language

·        Tolerate or be involved in discrimination of any kind

·        Criticise officials, instructors, volunteers or members on social networking sites or by the use of text messaging.

THRC is following British Equestrian’s guidelines regarding codes of conduct. As such, detailed codes of conduct for spectators and parents/carers can be found on www.tendringhundredrc.co.uk.


Please be advised that photographs may be taken at THRC’s events. If you do not wish to appear in any images captured, please inform the secretary so that we can take appropriate steps to ensure you are not included. The photos and results could potentially be included in any media and may also be published on Tendring Hundred Riding Club’s website and social media. By entering a class, you agree to photos being taken and shared with the media. If you do not want this to happen, you must tell us (and the on-site photographer if applicable) before or on the day.

Points and Trophies

To be eligible for show day trophies (if applicable) and points towards End of Year trophies, you must be a THRC member by April 30th. For further information on trophies please visit www.tendringhundredrc.co.uk


General Rules

·        All ridden horses/ponies must be four years old or over.

·        All stallions/colts must be kept under control at all times and not handled or ridden by anyone under 18 years of age. All stallions must wear a stallion disc on the bridle.

·         Please park vehicles sensibly and do not block any entrances.

·         Please pick up all droppings.

·         No lunging on the showground, please.

·         Please remove all rubbish/litter or place in the bins provided.

·         Please keep all dogs on leads and clean up all droppings.

·         All children under the age of 16 years must always be supervised by a responsible adult.

·         Judged under British Riding Clubs Rules. The Judge’s decision is final.

·         Only competing horses/ponies may be ridden on the showground on show days.

·         All entries are payable at time of booking.

       Dress Guidelines

·        Riders/handlers to be correctly turned out i.e., jacket, shirt and tie/stock (juniors must have long sleeves), breeches / jodhpurs (white, cream, beige, navy, or black), boots, tidy hair either in a hairnet or tied above the collar. Junior handlers must wear a hard hat of the correct standard. See above for hat standards.

·         Boots: Long riding boots designed for riding are to be worn. Short riding boots with gaiters of the same leather and colour may be worn. Suede half chaps may be worn providing they are of identical colour to the boots.

·         Gloves: Gloves must be worn in dressage and showing competitions. For show jumping, arena eventing and cross-country competitions gloves are optional although are recommended.

·         Body Protectors: A body protector is obligatory in all cross-country competitions and is strongly recommended in show jumping competitions. A BETA Level 3 displaying EITHER a Purple 2009 Label OR Blue 2018 Label must be worn in competitions where a body protector is obligatory. (NB. From 1 Jan 2024, the BETA 2009 Purple Label will no longer be accepted).


Show Jumping Rules

·         British Riding Club Rules apply

·         All heights are approximate.

·         No Horse to jump in more than 3 show jumping classes. A Horse/Pony may only compete once in a class.

·         Whips (Show Jumping and Cross-Country) One whip is permitted and must be between 45cm and 75cm and must not be weighted or feature a hard point at the end. The end of the whip must be padded. The ‘pad’ must be smooth with no protrusion or raised surface (which includes embroidery) and be made of a shock absorbing material throughout its circumference. No substitute for a whip may be carried.

 Dressage Rules

  • British Riding Club Rules apply, where not stated refer to British Dressage Rules.
  • Whips (Dressage): One whip of any length is permitted for all BRC dressage. Whips must not be used in a way or be of a length that disturbs other riders and may not be picked up if dropped during a test. If a whip is shorter than 80cm then it must be padded.
  • Bit guards are not permitted.

 If you are unsure about any rules, permitted tack, or turnout please contact the event organiser who will be happy to advise you. Additional rules may also be found on individual schedules.






Email Secretary - thrc.entries@outlook.com
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Event promoted by www.equineaffairs.com - The UK's Biggest Show Directory, www.myridinglife.com - The UK's Biggest Show Entries Website and is part of Show Software produced by Affairs Group IT www.affairsgroup.co.uk