Eridge Branch of the Pony Club Mini Express Eventing - Individuals Only
Open to All Pony Club Members
30cm, 40cm, 50cm , 60cm - lead rein and assisted sections at lower heights
Cross country phase will be in enclosed arena. All heights are approximate
Riders will wear Cross Country kit for all 3 phases and will move from dressage to showjumping to cross country with only a brief break between each phase.
Venue: Eridge Park, Tunbridge Wells TN3 9JT by kind permission of Lord and Lady Abergavenny
On A26 2 miles south of Tunbridge Wells - access via North Drive on left after Bunny Lane with Eridge PC sign what3words: clearly.lucky.cosmic
No access via Main Park drive under any circumstances
NO DOGS allowed IN THE PARK at any time, including within vehicles. IF YOU ARRIVE WITH A DOG, SORRY, BUT YOU WILL BE TURNED AWAY. Please ensure all gates are kept closed as Eridge Park is a deer park.
Organiser and Secretary: Emma Goldsmith
Email: Mobile: 07732 748966
IMPORTANT: In order to meet conditions stipulated by the Eridge Park Estate, any horse entering Eridge Park must not have been fed GM feeds or supplements, or received Ivermectins (wormers) for a minimum of 48 hours prior to entering Eridge Park. Your entry indicates acceptance of these conditions.