Royal Windsor Horse Show (RWHS) Driving (Going Ahead)

Show Date
Thu, May 15, 2025 to Sun, May 18, 2025
Closing Date
Fri, Mar 21, 2025
Entries Open
Thu, Feb 27, 2025
Enter Online

Class 23
RWHS Light Trade Turnouts Two & Four-Wheel    
Entry Fee:
To be judged under the British Driving Society rules.

For horses, ponies or donkeys. Four years old and over to a suitable two or four-wheeled trade vehicle, for singles or pairs.

This show is a qualifier for the BDS Iceline Yorkshire Ltd National Championships. The highest placed turnout in the designated type section, disregarding those already qualified down to 6th place, will qualify for the 2025 National Driving Championship Semi-Finals at Addingon Equestrian Centre on the 20th September. Type Sections: h, i.
Class 24
RWHS Private Driving - Singles 13.2hh and under    
Entry Fee:
Singles 13.2hh and under

To be judged under the British Driving Society rules.

For horses and ponies. Four years old and over, correctly and smartly turned out with a traditional style private driving vehicle. (Commercial vehicles and hackney show wagons excluded).

This show is a qualifier for the BDS Iceline Yorkshire Ltd National Championships. The highest placed turnout in the designated type section in classes 24 -26, disregarding those already qualified down to 6th place, will qualify for the 2025 National Driving Championship Semi-Finals at Addingon Equestrian Centre on the 20th September. Type Sections: a,b,c,d,e,f,g.
Class 25
RWHS Private Driving - Singles over 13.2hh    
Entry Fee:
Singles over 13.2hh

To be judged under the British Driving Society rules.

For horses and ponies. Four years old and over, correctly and smartly turned out with a traditional style private driving vehicle. (Commercial vehicles and hackney show wagons excluded).

This show is a qualifier for the BDS Iceline Yorkshire Ltd National Championships. The highest placed turnout in the designated type section in classes 24 -26, disregarding those already qualified down to 6th place, will qualify for the 2025 National Driving Championship Semi-Finals at Addingon Equestrian Centre on the 20th September. Type Sections: a,b,c,d,e,f,g.
Class 26
RWHS Private Driving - Pairs and Tandems    
Entry Fee:
Pairs and Tandems

To be judged under the British Driving Society rules.

For horses and ponies. Four years old and over, correctly and smartly turned out with a traditional style private driving vehicle. (Commercial vehicles and hackney show wagons excluded).

This show is a qualifier for the BDS Iceline Yorkshire Ltd National Championships. The highest placed turnout in the designated type section in classes 24 -26, disregarding those already qualified down to 6th place, will qualify for the 2025 National Driving Championship Semi-Finals at Addingon Equestrian Centre on the 20th September. Type Sections: a,b,c,d,e,f,g.
Class 34 A
RWHS Coaching Marathon Private Coaches    
Entry Fee:
Private Coaches

Applications are invited for the Coaching Marathon and will be accepted at the discretion of the organisers. The criteria for entry will be assessed on the ability of the coachman, overall safety, quality of the turnout and a proven record of attendance at shows and meets. Where the turnout is not known to the organisers, an accompanying letter listing coaching experience will be expected.

Entries are capped at 12 turnouts overall and a waiting list will be operated. Entrants will be informed of their successful application soon after entries have closed.

For teams of four horses, 15.2hh and over, to be driven to a Coach carrying not less than six persons including the coachman, grooms and guests. Coaches will assemble in class order at approximately 10.00am, after which they will depart for a drive of about 6 miles and return to the Castle Arena for final judging. Timings will be confirmed nearer the show.
Class 34 B
RWHS Coaching Marathon Road Coaches    
Entry Fee:
Road Coaches

Applications are invited for the Coaching Marathon and will be accepted at the discretion of the organisers. The criteria for entry will be assessed on the ability of the coachman, overall safety, quality of the turnout and a proven record of attendance at shows and meets. Where the turnout is not known to the organisers, an accompanying letter listing coaching experience will be expected.

Entries are capped at 12 turnouts overall and a waiting list will be operated. Entrants will be informed of their successful application soon after entries have closed.

For teams of four horses, 15.2hh and over, to be driven to a Coach carrying not less than six persons including the coachman, grooms and guests. Coaches will assemble in class order at approximately 10.00am, after which they will depart for a drive of about 6 miles and return to the Castle Arena for final judging. Timings will be confirmed nearer the show.
Class 34 C
RWHS Coaching Marathon Regimental Coaches    
Entry Fee:
Regimental Coaches

Applications are invited for the Coaching Marathon and will be accepted at the discretion of the organisers. The criteria for entry will be assessed on the ability of the coachman, overall safety, quality of the turnout and a proven record of attendance at shows and meets. Where the turnout is not known to the organisers, an accompanying letter listing coaching experience will be expected.

Entries are capped at 12 turnouts overall and a waiting list will be operated. Entrants will be informed of their successful application soon after entries have closed.

For teams of four horses, 15.2hh and over, to be driven to a Coach carrying not less than six persons including the coachman, grooms and guests. Coaches will assemble in class order at approximately 10.00am, after which they will depart for a drive of about 6 miles and return to the Castle Arena for final judging. Timings will be confirmed nearer the show.
Class 77 A
RWHS Driving for the Disabled Driving    
Section A - Showing Class

To be judged on the suitability of the turnout for pleasure and including the cleanliness of the whole turnout and driving skills. All competitors will be required to do a brief individual show. The horse or pony to show suitability and manners, be correctly harnessed and driven in an appropriate manner. Safety is paramount at all times.

For single ponies, horses or donkeys 5 years old or over to be driven by an ambulant or non-ambulant person.

The class will be divided into two sections.

Both classes are open to single turnouts and each class will have two divisions to be judged separately as follows -

Division 1 – For drivers who are members of a RDA Driving group and only drive within the group. The turnout to follow all RDA Driving guidelines with a coach / whip on the carriage and a groom in attendance on the ground. Either a two or four-wheeled RDA Driving approved carriage and the horse or pony to be RDA approved. Either single or dual reins are permitted.

Division 2 – For drivers who are not only members of a RDA Driving group but who also drive independently or in open non-RDA competitions and driving activities (the driver may also be a member of a RDA group). Either dual or single reins are permitted. To be accompanied by a competent adult (18 years or over) in either a two or four-wheeled vehicle which can be either traditional or modern. A groom must be in attendance on the ground.

No Entry Fee.

When entering please state which division the Driver is in for both Showing and Cones.
Class 77 B
RWHS Driving for the Disabled Obstacle Driving    
Section B - Cones Classes (Optimum Timed Competition)

Competitors to drive a course of up to 12 sets of cones, in the correct numerical order to an optimum time measured at a speed of 220m per minute. The classes may also be subdivided into 178cm and 148cm wheel widths. Measurements (outside rear wheel to outside rear wheel on the ground) must be stated on the entry form.

Penalties will be awarded as per the Indoor Carriage Driving rules; 5 penalties per ball or pair of balls from one set of cones - dislodged and 1 penalty for any whole second over or under the optimum time.

A map of the course will be made available to the competitors prior to the show.

For single ponies, horses or donkeys 5 years old or over to be driven by an ambulant or non-ambulant person.

The class will be divided into two sections.

Both classes are open to single turnouts and each class will have two divisions to be judged separately as follows -

Division 1 – For drivers who are members of a RDA Driving group and only drive within the group. The turnout to follow all RDA Driving guidelines with a coach / whip on the carriage and a groom in attendance on the ground. Either a two or four-wheeled RDA Driving approved carriage and the horse or pony to be RDA approved. Either single or dual reins are permitted.

Division 2 – For drivers who are not only members of a RDA Driving group but who also drive independently or in open non-RDA competitions and driving activities (the driver may also be a member of a RDA group). Either dual or single reins are permitted. To be accompanied by a competent adult (18 years or over) in either a two or four-wheeled vehicle which can be either traditional or modern. A groom must be in attendance on the ground.

No Entry Fee.

When entering please state which division the Driver is in for both Showing and Cones.
Class 117
RWHS Meet of the British Driving Society    
Entry Fee:

The Drive will be held under British Driving Society rules and is for current members of the Society and guests of the show. BDS member entries must be made by the participant and not by a third-party agent. Please note that numbers are strictly limited for safety reasons and the class is always oversubscribed at the point of entry. Refunds will be issued after the ballot and a waiting list will be operated.

Turnouts will assemble on the showground at approximately 10.00 am for a safety inspection by officials prior to departing on a show drive of approximately 4 miles. They will return to the Castle Arena to line up for the presentation. All exhibitors will receive a commemorative rosette.

The aim of the class is to establish which turnout, in the opinion of the Judge, presents the most elegant impression. The class is not subject to standard show judging criteria and the turnouts are judged while on the drive. Attention may be paid to the outfits worn by drivers, grooms and passengers, but fancy dress or period costumes are barred.

The class is for private driving vehicles only. A high standard of turnout is encouraged, with hats, gloves, aprons or knee rugs being worn, whips carried and lamps on the vehicle. Show wagons and trade vehicles will not be accepted, and nor will vehicles with metal wheels or pneumatic tyres.

Entries forward on the day may be refused if, in the opinion of the organisers and stewards, turnouts seem unsafe or are unsuitable to proceed on the drive, or vehicles are not of a traditional type. Junior whips aged 18 years and under must be accompanied by a competent adult who is over 18 years. All horses or ponies must be four years old or over and must be able to participate on the drive and stand safely when required.

Entries should be made directly to Royal Windsor Horse Show via the online entry system and not the British Driving Society
Class 300
RWHS Private Driving Championship    
To be judged from the 1st and 2nd prize-winners in Classes 24, 25 and 26. Class prize-winners eligible for the Championship must compete or forfeit their class prize money.

Show Secretary: Royal Windsor Horse Show
The Royal Mews, Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berks, SL4 1NG
Tel: +44 (0)1753 860633, Email:, Website:

Home Park - Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berks

Show Information


All National Class entries will open on the 27th February and close on 21st March. With the exception for British Showjumping classes (which will be capped) will close on 4th March.

Entries will be taken through My Riding Life ( It is recommended that you create and/or update your account before entries open, to ensure the entry process is quick and easy for you.  No postal entries will be accepted. No late entries will be accepted.

The organisers reserve the right to refuse an entry for any given reason or ballot any class that becomes oversubscribed.

There will be an administration charge of £5.00 applicable to all entries.


When you have completed your entry online, you will receive an email from My Riding Life confirming that your entry has been received. After entries have closed, you will then receive a second email, prior to 24th April, from RFIdentikit which will request you to allocate your e-tickets.

This year to receive your e-ticket allocation you will need to allocate your e-tickets to your associates who will be attending the Show with you. An e-ticket will not be released unless it is allocated to a valid email address. Please ensure this email address is for the person accompanying you to site.

After allocating your e-tickets they must be brought with you on the day to gain access to the Showground. The e-ticket can either be shown on your Smart Phone or printed.

Three passes will be issued for the first horse / pony entered.  Competitors with more than one horse / pony will then be issued with an additional three passes per horse / pony.

Driving entries will be provided additional passes based on the turnout entered.

Each entry will receive one Horse Box pass and, if requested, one Owners Car Pass.

Additional wristbands will be available to purchase with your online entry.

Please do not bring anyone to site who is not in receipt of a valid e-ticket.

Competitor passes are not to be sold on under any circumstance. If the Entries Team are informed that a pass has been sold on, the pass will be voided on the e-ticket system.

Only those in possession of an e-ticket from RFIdentikit will be able to gain access to the show ground via Victoria Bridge. 


All horses and ponies entering the Showground must be vaccinated according to the requirements on page 11 of the schedule, and vaccination certificates / passports must accompany the horse or pony to the Show, and be available for checking.  There will be no tolerance of Equine Influenza Vaccination Certificates that do not meet Show protocol, as seen on page 11 of the schedule. If discrepancies are found, this will result in the horse being sent home immediately, without competing and/or any prizes will be forfeited.

Horses competing at FEI Events must comply with the requirements for Equine Influenza vaccination in accordance with the Veterinary Regulations and as summarised on page 11 of the schedule. 

All horses / ponies taking part in competitions / displays other than those governed by the Rules of the FEI must have certificates of vaccination against Equine Influenza complying with the above.



All National competitors MUST bring their horses’ passports with them to the show and ensure that their horses’ vaccinations are up to date. Spot checks will be carried out and if there are any discrepancies you will be referred to the Organising Committee, and you may be sent home.


Due to the increased risk of EHV infection, we shall be putting in place a strict biosecurity policy, including an increased frequency of examination of horses on arrival. We ask that owners / riders take their horse’s / pony’s temperature for the three days leading up to arrival at the Show, and on the morning of travel to ensure that it is not above 38.5 degrees.  Please do not arrive on site if you are at all concerned about the health of your horse or pony before leaving home. If, upon arrival, you are concerned about anything, please speak to an official who will raise one of the Veterinary Team to assist you and make a decision about whether access to the site will be permitted. Please take great care with all your tack and anything associated with your horse/pony and ensure that there is no contact or possibility of cross contamination with other entrants and their belongings.


On the run up to the show we will communicate any timetable changes or any other important updates for National Competitors via email, to the Billing Contact email submitted at the time of making your entry on My Riding Life. Please let the Entries team know as soon as possible any changes to your contact details on the run up to the Show, so you do not miss any vital communications from the Entries team. The Entries team can be contacted via: We will also post these updates on our Royal Windsor Horse Show Facebook page. Please note slight changes to class timings may not be confirmed until the morning of Competition. 


Payment Details & Event Fees

The organisers reserve the right to refuse an entry for any given reason or ballot any class that becomes oversubscribed.
There will be an administration charge of £5.00 applicable to all entries.

Terms & Conditions


1.            The Decision of the Committee or the Veterinary Surgeons or of any Judges or Show Officials upon any of the matters required by the following Rules to be decided or directed by any such persons or bodies including any question of height or soundness or want of merit or exclusion from final judging or granting any permission or otherwise shall be final and binding in all respects and no objections shall be made on account thereof nor shall any appeal lie therefrom on any ground whatever.


2.            The Committee will adhere as closely as possible to the published Schedule and Catalogue, but reserve the right in their absolute discretion to put forward or alter any class without notice, if they find it expedient to do so, and the right to refuse any entry, to accept any entry conditionally, and cancel any class through lack of entries or for any other reason, in their absolute discretion.  In addition, the Organisers have the right to refuse an entry for any reason whatsoever or ballot any class that is oversubscribed.

The Committee reserve the right without assigning any reason to alter the times of any Classes, or to judge Classes in Judging Rings other than those specified in the order of judging, or to make such alterations, including conditions of entry, as may be deemed necessary.

Owners must be bona fide owners on 21st March 2025, of the horses which they enter, and such Owner’s name will appear in the Show Catalogue.  The billing contact alone will be recognised as being entitled to any money prizes which may be won by the entries made by him.

No entry will be accepted unless accompanied by the entry fee.  Entries must be made online. 

There will be an administration charge of £5.00 applicable to all entries.

No Postal Entries will be accepted. No late entries will be accepted.

The Entries team will accept no further changes to existing entries even with a vet or doctors certificate after the 24th April 2025. Only withdrawals will be processed after this date.

If a Competitor has outstanding entry fees, this will mean we will not accept a future entry until a Competitor’s account is cleared. Prize money will also be held against the outstanding amount.

The Organisers reserve the right to refuse an entry for any given reason or ballot any class that becomes oversubscribed.

Entries are always subject to any unforeseen circumstances, such as military exigencies, strikes, or other civil disturbances, fire or other contingencies of any description preventing or rendering it undesirable in the opinion of the Committee for the Show to be held or continued as the case may be, and the Committee may postpone or abandon the Show at their discretion.  All entries stand for any postponed show unless withdrawn by written notice to the Secretary within one week of notification of public announcement in the press of such postponement.  The postponement or abandonment of the Show either before the opening or at any time during the course of the Show shall not give rise to any claim whatsoever against the Royal Windsor Horse Show or the Committee by Owners, Competitors or others except for refund of prepaid entry fees over £75.00,  in respect of classes or competitions not held, or a proportionate part of such fees according to circumstances; in the case of postponement refund will only be made in respect of entries duly withdrawn.

Failure to exhibit any animal entered will entail forfeiture of entry and stable fees to the Show and no refund will be made in any circumstances. 

The Docking and Nicking of Horses Act 1949 will be strictly complied with.


3.            The Owner of any horse which shall cause or occasion any damage or injury whatever shall indemnify and hold harmless the Show from and against all legal proceedings, actions, expenses, costs, claims, demands or damages whatsoever arising from any accident or other incident which may occur, and repair any injury which may be so occasioned.  Each Owner shall be solely responsible for any consequential or other loss, injury or damage done to, or occasioned by, or arising from any animal exhibited by him, and for the description as given in the Catalogue; and shall indemnify and hold harmless the Royal Windsor Horse Show in respect thereof as aforesaid.

Neither the Show nor any of its officers or servants shall be in any way responsible or accountable for anything that might happen from any cause or circumstances whatsoever to any persons, or Owners, or their servants, or to any animal or article exhibited, or property brought into the Show Ground and the adjoining Home Park, Windsor, or otherwise for anything else in connection with, or arising out of, or attributable to the Show, or these or any other conditions or regulations prescribed by the Show in relation thereto.  Every Owner must have at least one servant in charge of the horse or horses or property exhibited by him.

The forgoing conditions shall expressly apply to all horses and those in charge of them at Stables let by or through the Show.

CARS AND VEHICLES.  Vehicles are permitted on the showground, car and horse box parks ONLY AT OWNERS’ RISK.  No responsibility is accepted for cars or other vehicles and/or their contents left in the Official Car Park, or elsewhere, before, during, or after the Show, at any time.  Maximum permitted speed is 10mph.  All drivers to obey the instructions of security staff, car park attendants, stewards and other officials.


4.            Any objection or protest shall be lodged by obtaining a printed “Objection Form” from the Organiser’s Office on the Show Ground, which must be properly filled up and signed by the Objector and delivered to the Entries Secretary before or within thirty minutes of the end of the judging of the Class in respect of which the objection is lodged.

DEPOSIT (a) Objections (regarding height) to any animal holding an Official Measurement Certificate issued under the Joint Measurement Scheme will be referred to the Joint Measurement Scheme of the British Horse Society, British Show Horse Association, British Showjumping, National Pony Society and the British Show Pony Society, and Owners so objecting must deposit the sum of £165, which will be also forwarded with the objection.

(b) Any Owner lodging any objection for any other reason must deposit the sum of £165.  If the objection is sustained the deposit of £165 will be refunded, otherwise the deposit will be forfeited.

5.            A Sub-Committee of the Committee of the Show has been formed to consider and deal with all objections excepting those classes run under British Showjumping rules. It is a further express condition of entry that the decision of this Sub-Committee shall be absolutely final and binding on all competitors or others interested in any capacity on the Show Ground.  The Committee shall consist of the Chairman, Mrs M Begley, N O Brooks-Ward Esq, Mrs S Chapman, Mrs S Dance, S D B Garner Esq and N Hollings Esq.  A sufficient quorum of the Committee shall be three. 

6.            Any objections to mark sheets should be made within 24 hours of the marks being posted to the Royal Windsor Horse Show results page.


7.            (a) Prize-winners in every class eligible for Championship Classes and winners of prizes for Challenge Cups must compete for such Cups or they will forfeit their class prize money.

(b) Because of the unique and irreplaceable nature of many of the Royal Windsor Horse Show’s cups and trophies, the Committee have reluctantly decided that winners of cups and trophies will not be permitted to take them from the Show Ground.


8.            In any class in which there is an age restriction the name, address and date of birth of the Rider must be stated on the Entry Form before an entry will be accepted, and the Parent or Guardian must, if required, produce to the Entries Secretary a certified copy of the entry of birth within seven days of the date of such requirement.


9.            Recognised Official Measurement Certificates, issued under the Joint Measurement Scheme of the British Horse Society, British Show Horse Association, British Showjumping, National Pony Society and the British Show Pony Society only must be produced if required. 

All horses must be properly shod except for in-hand classes.

A false declaration or misstatement of any kind (including a change of names of an animal or incorrect description, or false declaration of prizes won at Horse Shows) may at the discretion of the Committee disqualify an Owner from the Show and the animal entered from any prize, and from entering or being entered again at the Royal Windsor Horse Show. In particular a misstatement as to height will automatically render the animal entered ineligible for any judging or prize.  Owners must be prepared to verify any statement in a manner required by the Committee.


10.          In the case of an animal being disqualified whether as a result of any objection or otherwise, the winner of the next succeeding prize in that class shall take the prize that has been awarded to such disqualified animal, and the other animals shall take prizes accordingly, and the lowest monied prize in the class shall be taken by the reserve number.


11.          Rosettes will be awarded to first, second, third, fourth and fifth prize-winners in each class and where a sixth prize is offered a sixth rosette will also be awarded.  In Championship classes rosettes will be awarded to the Champion and Reserve Champion.


12.          With the exception of British Showjumping competitions no alterations or substitutions of an entry will be allowed after it has been received.  Entries must therefore be made in the appropriate class or classes for which the animals entered are eligible.  In case of doubt as to the eligibility of any animal for any particular class or classes, entries may be made in more than one class on paying the fee for each class, and the animal will be judged in any class or classes for which it may be found to be eligible, but no refund of entry fees will be made.

A horse entered in a wrong class will be excluded from competition and the entry fee forfeited but at the discretion of the Judges any horse over the specified weight may be directed to another class.

Owners may remove their animals from the Show Ground after judging of the classes in which they are entered, unless eligible for Championship Classes.

The number of animals which shall be asked to give an individual show in any class and the number of horses a Judge shall ride shall be left entirely to the discretion of the Judges.


13.          Competitors must assemble in the Pre-Collecting Ring at least half an hour before the appointed time at which they are to be judged or paraded as advertised in the Catalogue.  Competitors arriving in the Pre-Collecting Ring after their Class has entered the Arena/Ring will be disqualified.


14.          The wearing and use of spurs is forbidden.


15.          Horse numbers to be collected from Victoria Bridge on arrival, to match your email confirmation.

An animal entered in more than one class will have only one numbered card, which must be used each time the horse is shown.  Competitors wearing an incorrect number or more than one number in the Ring are liable to disqualification.

Competition numbers to be worn on the Rider’s or attendant’s back. In national showjumping competitions numbers may be displayed on the bridle or saddlecloth. There will be no access to the Show Ground unless the number is visible.  In Driving Classes the number must be affixed on the back of the vehicle when the horse enters the ring.


16.          See Page 11.


17.          In the Hunter and Worker Classes: Gentlemen Riders must be in uniform, or hunting costume.  Ladies side-saddle: In riding habit with hat.  Ladies astride: In jacket, hat, breeches and boots.

In the Hack and Cob Classes: Gentlemen riders must be in uniform or appropriate hacking costume - silk hat or bowler hat, breeches and boots or riding trousers.  Ladies side-saddle: In riding habit with hat.  Ladies astride: In jacket, hat, breeches and boots.

In the Children’s Riding Classes: boys and girls must appear in appropriate riding dress with hats.

In “In Hand” classes, or classes where grooms or attendants are permitted to enter the ring during Preliminary or Final judging they must be correctly dressed.  Headwear (no baseball caps), coats, collars and ties must be worn. Ripped/torn jeans will not be permitted. 

These regulations apply to Day and Evening Sessions.

Protective headgear should be worn by anybody riding a horse / pony for any reason in accordance with the Governing Body to which the class is affiliated to.  This includes all judges who may be required to ride and all grooms etc riding outside the show rings.


18.          The Judges named in the Schedule have accepted an invitation to officiate.  The Committee reserves the right to appoint a substitute Judge.


19.          The Judges have the power to withhold any prize, either from want of merit in the horse exhibited or from insufficiency of competition in the classes, or to divide a prize, or to judge two sections of a competition as one class.


20.          The Judges of every class shall have power to require any animal to be examined for soundness by the Veterinary Surgeons.  The result of any veterinary examinations shall be regarded as confidential.  Unsoundness, notwithstanding an award of prizes, will disqualify, except in the Jumping Competition.

It is the responsibility of Owners of horses/ponies based in the United Kingdom to settle directly with the Show’s veterinary surgeons any veterinary costs incurred while a horse/pony or horses/ponies in their ownership are on the Showground if, for any veterinary or animal welfare reasons, a horse is declared unfit to travel.  Any Owner who fails to settle a veterinary account and/or other related costs will be excluded from future entry to the Royal Windsor Horse Show.

Where, in the opinion of the Show’s Veterinary Surgeon, a horse is so severely injured that it ought to be humanely destroyed, the Owner/Trainer/Rider/Driver should, wherever possible, first be informed.  However, the Show’s Veterinary Surgeon may proceed with humane destruction, without reference to Owner/Trainer/Rider/Driver, in order to prevent undue suffering to the horse.  Before taking this action the Show’s Veterinary Surgeon should, wherever practicable, seek a second veterinary opinion.  In such eventuality, owners are responsible for the cost of disposal.


21.          See page 11.


22.          The Committee reserve the power to reject or remove any horse, Owner or servant from the Show, or to refuse admission, without being required to assign any reason or being liable for compensation.


23.          Only Officials appointed by the Committee (other than Competitors) shall at any time be allowed to enter the Show Ring.

Exercising in any of the Rings is strictly prohibited and anyone found exercising in any Ring will be disqualified from competing at the Show and any prize money already won will be forfeited.

Handlers/Grooms/Attendants entering the ring to be 16 years of age or over if handling a stallion. For mares and geldings, there is no minimum age for handlers, unless specifically stated by the relevant society.

Step ladders are not permitted.

Dress Code – see Condition no 17.


24.          Professional whips, or those dealing in, or anyone buying or selling horses on commission, are not eligible for these awards.  Exhibitors who are eligible must state the name of the Driver on the entry form.


25.          Should any question arise not provided for in these Conditions it must be referred to the Committee, whose decision shall be final.


26.          Account Holders with prizes awarded will be contacted by the Entries Secretary within six weeks of the show and prize money will be sent via a BACS transfer.  An Account Holder will be deemed to have waived his prize money in favour of the Show if he has not responded to the Entries Secretary by 31st August 2025.

Would overseas competitors please note that any payments (including prize money and prizes in kind) made in excess of £12,570 are subject to taxation at source.


27.          During the Jumping Competition three competitors must always be ready to enter the ring.  If a Competitor does not respond when his number is called by the Steward he loses his turn and the horse bearing the number may be eliminated.

Unless Competitors declare by the correct time they will not be allowed to jump (see page 22).


28.          All Owners and Competitors are responsible for damages to third parties howsoever caused by themselves, their employees, their agents or their horses.  It is a condition of entry that all Owners and Competitors have third-party insurance providing full coverage for participation in equestrian events, and to keep the policy up to date.


29.          Please note that ATV’s (all terrain vehicles), electric scooters and motorcycles will not be allowed on the Show Ground due to Health & Safety Regulations.


30.          No hawkers are allowed onto the Show Ground including the car and horse box parks.  No goods, newspapers etc may be sold or advertised anywhere on the Show Ground except within the authorised trade stands.



(a) No professional photography is allowed on the Show Ground except with permission obtained from the Press Office.

(b) It is understood and agreed by any Competitor attending the Show that permission is granted to Windsor Equestrian Promotions Ltd (organisers of Royal Windsor Horse Show) for any photographs and/or film footage taken at the Show by any official photographer or film company to be used by them for security, promotional, live streaming and/or broadcasting purposes, furthermore the Competitor agrees that permission is without any payment.


32.          Here at Windsor Equestrian Promotions Ltd (organisers of Royal Windsor Horse Show) we take your privacy seriously. Your personal information, including details of this transaction, your name, address, email address and telephone number will be held securely on My Riding Life (, our own internal database, and RFIDentikit’s AllowMe system which is being used to allocate e-tickets.

Windsor Equestrian Promotions Ltd will only use your personal data to administer your entry and to contact you regarding your entry and general information about the show. Windsor Equestrian Promotions Ltd will also send your data to any relevant society for registration confirmation. As part of this transaction, each entry will be published in the Show Programme and Results published on the Royal Windsor Horse Show website.  By completing your entry the Account Holder, Owner, Rider and Handlers are giving their consent for their personal data to be used as stated above.

WPCS GDPR: Exhibitor you will need to provide the WPCS with certain personal information relating to you. Your privacy is extremely important to WPCS, so we want you to know exactly how we will use that personal information. Our full privacy notice setting out detailed information about matters such as what personal information we use, for what purpose we use it, what our legal basis for doing so is and who we share your personal information with, can be viewed on our website If you would prefer to see a hard copy of our privacy notice, please ask a member of WPCS staff to provide you with the same.


33.          Unaccompanied Competitors must provide the Show Organiser with a contact telephone number in case of an emergency. Under 18s must have a parent or guardian with them.


34.          Caravans and motorhomes are not permitted on the Show Ground.  If you require space to stay in your caravan/motorhome, please contact The Caravan Club. 

The Organisers of the Royal Windsor Horse Show strongly discourage horses being left unattended on horseboxes. Owners’ leave horses unattended at their own risk, please refer to Condition 3.  No horse/pony should be left unattended tied to a horsebox or trailer.


35.         The welfare of all equine competitors participating at the Show is of paramount importance to the Royal Windsor Horse Show Committee. The Show will be strictly enforcing that all Riders should be of an appropriate size and weight for the horse/pony being ridden anywhere on the showground, including the Horsebox Park. Riders deemed oversized for their mount will be asked to dismount by a Show Official or Steward; and may be ineligible to compete as a combination. 

Ponies competing in any Lead Rein or First Ridden class may only be exercised and ridden outside the ring by a Rider 16 years old or under.

An overweight or underweight animal would be of concern under veterinary grounds. Following veterinary advice from the Show’s onsite Veterinary Team the Rider may be asked to dismount the animal, and under these circumstances the animal may not be eligible to compete at the Show.

Any appeals against these rulings must be made, on the day, in writing to the Entries Secretary and will be dealt with by the Appeal Committee (see Condition 4 (b) – Objections).

36.          Only horses and ponies entered in the Show are allowed on the Show Ground (this includes the Horse Box Park).


37.          No competitor shall behave in an offensive or abusive manner to any Judge / Show Official.  The Show Committee reserves the right to disqualify offenders from taking part in the Show.


38.          To ensure impartiality, Judges and Stewards are appointed at The Royal Windsor Horse Show by The Orssich Committee, an independent sub-committee that meets formally once a year. This RWHS Sub-Committee is attended by the Show Chairman, Chief Steward, Chief Showing Steward and two independent members along with the Show Secretariat. In collaboration this sub-committee makes Judge selections, these recommendations are then sent to the main RWHS Committee to be ratified. Upon Committee approval the individual Showing Societies are informed of the shows choices and the Judges are invited to attend the show.



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