1. Due to the charitable nature of the event, entries are non refundable. Entries are no longer transferable to future events
2. It is strongly advised that competitors have their own third party insurance to run alongside that of the organisers. Riders enter at their own risk
3. A hard hat to current British Standards, with a correctly fitted chin strap must be worn at all times whilst mounted, and is advised at all other times whilst handling horses. Anyone seen mounted without a hat will be asked to dismount and leave the premises immediately regardless of whether the rider has competed. No reimbursement will be offered
4. British Dressage legal tack must be worn (with the exception of boots/bandages for matchy matchy or Prix Caprilli). Show attire is not compulsory however shoulders should be covered for health & safety
5. Competitors are asked to enter the level appropriate to them. Any competitor seen to be knowingly entering a lower level to their current ability will be asked to change their entry or can compete HC
6. Competitors and their entourage are asked to park with respect to others. NO CARS are to be parked in the main car park. We ask that they are parked alongside the warm up. Should any requests to move be ignored, we may suspend competition until done so or remove the competitor from the event
7. Any rider seen riding at a detriment to their horse's welfare will be asked to dismount and leave the premises immediately regardless of whether the rider has competed. No reimbursement will be offered