Drayhorse Arena Hire - 60m x 40m with Show Jumps (Going Ahead)

Show Date
Sun, Feb 16, 2025
Starting Times:

1 hour sessions available daily from 10am to 3pm. 60m x 40m non waxed sand & fibre arena with a full set of Show Jumps.

Hire Slot 1
Arena Hire - 10.00 - 11.00     (Closed)
Entry Fee:
Hire Slot 2
Arena Hire - 11.00 - 12.00     (Closed)
Entry Fee:
Hire Slot 3
Arena Hire - 12.00 - 13.00     (Closed)
Entry Fee:
Hire Slot 4
Arena Hire - 13.00 - 14.00     (Closed)
Entry Fee:
Hire Slot 5
Arena Hire - 14.00 - 15.00     (Closed)
Entry Fee:
Hire Slot 6
Arena Hire - 15.00 - 16.00     (Closed)
Entry Fee:

Show Secretary: Drayhorse Arena Bookings Secretary
Faversham Road, Challock, Kent, TN25 4BQ
Tel: 07725516186, Email: vic.clarke33@gmail.com

Drayhorse Arena, Faversham Road, Challock, Kent TN254BQ
Map Link: Drayhorse Arena

Payment Details & Event Fees

Bookings in advance online. You can book using our Secure Online Entry System.
Payment is secure and it goes directly to Drayhorse Arena.
You will receive an email confirmation of your booking and payment.
COST: £30 per hour incl VAT + £5 per extra horse.


Cancellation Policy: Anyone cancelling their booking with 24hrs is not entitled to a refund. Transfers will be at the discretion of Drayhorse Farm.

Terms & Conditions

1. Our 60m x 40m outdoor arena is available to hire with a full set of showjumps for a minimum of one hour.
2. Hirers are asked to keep to their allotted time slot. If the hirer wishes to set up and/or take down they must include this in their hire period (a course will be set out for use).
3. The arena is not suitable for carriage driving and this must not be undertaken in any circumstances.
4. Lunging in the showjump arena is not permitted as this will damage the surface. There is a separate 40m x 20m sand and fibre arena available should a horse require lunging beforehand.
5. Use of the arena is entirely at the hirer’s own risk. It is the hirer’s responsibility to check the arena before entering to ensure it has been left in a safe condition and to ensure that the premises are secured upon leaving.
6. In case of emergency all hirers are responsible for ensuring they have use of a mobile phone.
7. All riders must wear protective headgear conforming to BSI standards at all times when mounted, including warming up. Back protectors are recommended.
8. Correct footwear and clothing to be worn at all times.
9. All droppings in the arena or car park must be picked up and deposited in the muck area located to the side of the arena. Poo picking equipment is available in the arena.
10. No Hay or feed is permitted within the arena.
11. All equipment to be put back where it was found and course to be left set up/put back to how it was found for the next hirer.
12. Any damage caused to the property belonging to Drayhorse Farm will be charged to the hirer at the new replacement value plus any carriage costs.
13. All litter is to be taken home with you.
14. All dogs to be kept on leads and under control at all times and any mess picked up.
15. Children must be supervised at all times.
16. All participants must hold their own public liability insurance to a minimum of £2,500,000. We reserve the right to request sight of any such insurance policy.
17. Cancellation policy: Anyone cancelling their booking with 24hrs is not entitled to a refund. Transfers will be at the discretion of Drayhorse Farm.
18. Payment for hire must be paid in advance via our online booking system
19. Drayhorse Farm will not be liable for any damage caused whatsoever to vehicles, animals, trailers, lorries, individuals etc whilst the hirer is using the facilities. CCTV is in operation.


Email Secretary - vic.clarke33@gmail.com
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