Eligibility for all classes can be found in the current BRC Handbook. Eligibility will be taken from the close of pre-entry. All competitors must be a member and be on the BRC Database by midday the Friday before the qualifier. Anyone failing to meet the eligibility criteria will bedisqualified and informed by BRC HQ when the results are processed.
This competition will run under BRC Rules, anyone in attendance will be bound by the BRC Code of Conduct. It is important that all competitors are aware of the rules relating to this competition – please see the current BRC Handbook and also the BRC Rule Amendments and Changes Document which can be found at the link below: https://www.bhs.org.uk/british- riding-clubs/brc-downloads/brc-handbook/
If the date of the qualifier is cancelled for any reason and rescheduled within 21 days, the close of pre-entry will remain. If the qualifier is rescheduled for more than 21 days after the original date, entries will re-open. Late entry fees will not be refunded. Eligibility is taken from the Friday before thequalifier, regardless of rescheduling. Pre-entries that cannot attend the new date may be issued a credit note but the Team Manager must inform the office in writing before the cut-off date which the area will be informed of upon rescheduling.
All hats must have a visible current BRC/BE/PC hat tag in place before they are worn on the showground, to show that they meet the current safety standards. There will be an Official Steward available on the day to do this for you if your hat does not currently have one. For up to date hat rulesplease see the current BRC Handbook.
Body Protectors
A body protector is not mandatory for this competition but can be worn.
Flu Vaccinations &; Microchips
Your horse must have up to date influenza vaccinations in line with rule G7 in the current BRC Handbook. Failure to have a valid flu certificate on the day will result in the elimination of that
competitor. It is compulsory for all horses to be microchipped. It is the rider’s responsibility to ensure the horse is chipped and it is traceable.Stallions must wear a stallion disc on their bridle and the correct ribbons in the tail.
Please would every Area 13 Club entering a team each provide a minimum of 1 helper for a minimum of half a day each, to either write, steward or generally assist in the running of the competition.
DRESS: Everyone mounted, whether competing or not must wear a hard hat conforming to thecurrent standards with a harness properly adjusted and fastened. No other hats will be allowed and skullcap hats must be worn with a silk
ENTRIES No verbal entries will be accepted. No entry fee will be returned without the production of acurrent veterinary certificate or doctor’s certificate. No entry will be accepted without the appropriate fee. In the event of cancellation £3 will be retained to cover administration costs.
ORGANISER’S RIGHTS: The organisers reserve the right to alter, change, cancel and / oramalgamate classes or refuse entry without stating a reason. The judge’s /organiser’s decision is final. All competitors must abide by the steward’s instruction. Any persons riding or acting in adangerous or inconsiderate manner or misusing whip or spurs may be asked to leave the showground and may be banned from future shows.
DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY Save for death and personal injury caused by the negligence of theowners or anyone for whom they are in law responsible, neither the organisers of the event to whom
the rules apply nor the Ardingly Riding Club nor any agent, employee or representative of the Club accept any liability for accident, damage, loss, illness or injury to horses, owners, riders, spectators or any other
person or property whatsoever whether caused by their negligence, breach of contract, or in any waywhatsoever.
OBJECTIONS Must be made to the Secretary in writing within 30 minutes of the incident accompanied by a £20 deposit, returnable if the objection is sustained And i accordance with BRC Rules
HORSES, DOGS etc Dogs, bicycles, roller blades or similar are not permitted on the showground. Dogs must be confined to the owners ’vehicle. Horses / ponies must not be tied up outside boxes / trailers and left unattended. If any Horse / pony have been in contact with an infectious disease, itshould not attend any shows, clinics etc. No lungeing is allowed in the parking, competition or warm up arenas / areas
PARKING All drivers are asked to enter and leave the car park with due consideration for other users.Vehicles shall be parked in a neat and sensible manner in the car park. Droppings, hay and other rubbish is not to be left in the car park.
HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY The organiser has the overall responsibility for Health and Safety.
The event is organised in accordance with H&S legislation and all who have (to any extent) control of premises or site at the event are responsible for ensuring that (a) everything reasonably practical is done to ensure the H & S and welfare of those attending the event (b) they conduct themselves sothat they do not put themselves or anyone else at risk (c) access and egress to the site is safe. All competitors should comply with the rules of the venue.
PHOTOGRAPHS from this event may be used online. Photos may also be used in show reports to newspapers/magazines. By entering this Show you are agreeing to this condition. If you have any objections please contact the show secretary.