Beechwood Equestrian Centre Unaffiliated Christmas Fun Show (Going Ahead)

Show Date
Tue, Dec 30, 2025
Closing Date
Thu, Dec 25, 2025
Enter Online
Starting Times:

Times available on My Riding Life 24hrs in advance.

Class 1
Christmas Fancy Dress    
Entry Fee:
10am. Fun Fancy dress. Rider must be mounted and horse must be included within the dressing up. Riding hats and boots mandatory. Class to be judged on the best effort and most Christmassy costume!
Class 2 a
Clear Round Show Jumping (0.15m)    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Poles on the ground
Class 2 b
Clear Round Cross Pole Show Jumping    
Entry Fee:
Class 3
Ride & Run (0.30m)    
Entry Fee:
The Reindeer Run. All at cross pole height. All against the clock Horse and Rider complete course 1-6 and race back to competitors’ box where rider dismounts leaving horse to complete jumps 7-10 on foot. Timer finishing at fence 10.
Class 4
Pairs Show Jumping (0.30m)    
Entry Fee:
Prancer’s Pairs. Pairs must both complete course 1-10 against the clock one after the other. Rider 2 is not to leave the competitors box until Rider 1 has all 4 feet inside the box. Faults to early exiters, timer starts at Jump 1 with Rider 1 and ends with the last fence of Rider 2. Both riders will only be eliminated by refusal if one horse/rider combination stops more than once at any single fence or if both riders accumulate a total of 4 stops between them.
Class 5
Take Your Own Line (0.40m)    
Entry Fee:
Jolly Jokers. Take Your Own Line. Jump each fence once in any order - the set course is not followed. Fastest completion with least faults wins! 5 seconds added for each knock down.
Class 6
Speed Stakes (0.50m)    
Entry Fee:
The Sleigh Stakes! Speed class timed from first fence to last at a height of approx. 50cms.
Class 7
Pairs Show Jumping (0.60m)    
Entry Fee:
Candy Cane Couples. Pairs must both complete course 1-10 against the clock one after the other. Rider 2 is not to leave the competitors box until Rider 1 has all 4 feet inside the box. Faults to early exiters, timer starts at Jump 1 with Rider 1 and ends with the last fence of Rider 2. Both riders will only be eliminated by refusal if one horse/rider combination stops more than once at any single fence or if both riders accumulate a total of 4 stops between them.
Class 8
Accumulator (0.70m)    
Entry Fee:
Cracker Count. Jumps 1-10 worth their number in points. Jump 10 has an optional fence of 15 points. Points are only awarded if fence is cleared first time. 3 refusals result in elimination. All against the clock. Fastest and highest point scorer wins.
Class 9
Show Jumping (0.80m)    
Single Phase
Entry Fee:
Elfy Eighty - Traditional single phase show jumping at an approx. height of 80cm
Class 10
Puissance (0.80m)    
Entry Fee:
Starting at 80cm, this will be wall base with poles added above

Show Secretary: Beechwood Equestrian Centre Show Secretary
The Wheatsheaf Centre, Main Road, Rettendon Common, Chelmsford, Essex, CM3 8DY

Beechwood Equestrian Centre, The Wheatsheaf Centre, Main Road, Rettendon Common, Chelmsford, Essex CM38DY

Show Information

Competition in Indoor Arena, warm up Outdoor

Accumulator Classes: each jump will have a number of points. Riders will complete the set course; clearing a jump equals the allocation of points, knocking or refusing equals the deduction of points per jump. Clearing the joker fence adds 10 points to a rider’s overall score. Highest score wins.

Speed Classes: round timed for the whole round. Fastest clear round wins. – is the email address the same:

Topscore: each jump worth its number in points. Jump as many as you can in the time allowed! Jumps can be jumped as many times as you like, and uprights can be jumped in either direction. Jumping an oxer backwards results in elimination. Tracks cannot be crossed between fences or a refusal will be given. Three refusals leads to elimination. If a fence is knocked down there is no faults, but no points will be awarded and the jump cannot be jumped again.

Take your own Line:  Jump each fence once in any order - the set course is not followed. Fastest completion with least faults wins! 5 seconds added for each knock down.

Pairs: Riders must both complete course against the clock one after the other. Rider 2 is not to leave the competitors box until Rider 1 has all 4 feet inside the box. Faults to early exiters, timer starts at Jump 1 with Rider 1 and ends with the last fence of Rider 2. Both riders will only be eliminated by refusal if one horse/rider combination stops more than once at any single fence or if both riders accumulate a total of 4 stops between them.

Christmas attire strongly encouraged!

Payment Details & Event Fees

All entries must be pre-booked in advance, via My Riding Life.
All Payments and bookings come directly to Beechwood Equestrian Centre.
Pre-entry only. Entries: Class 1 and 2 £6. Class 3,5,6,8,9,10 £13. Class 4 and 7 £20/pair. Lead rein permitted classes 1-4. Riders entered in classes 2-4 cannot enter classes 7-10
Arena Party: £2/rider

late entries accepted at £2 extra per entry

Prize Information

Rosettes 1st – 6th in all classes.


Café will be open serving refreshments.


Refunds prior to closing have a £5 admin fee deducted; no refunds after closing date. No transfers after times published.

Terms & Conditions

Beechwood EC Terms and Conditions apply, can be found on our website or in reception. 


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