Classes 1 and 2 will be judged on Style.
A7 (Table A7) – first round not against the clock, all clears go through to a “jump-off” over a shortened course where the
fastest combination with the least faults wins.
Single phase – the first half of the course is not timed, the second half of the course will be timed. If optimum time
then the winner will be the competitor that jumps clear that is closest to the optimum time over the timed section. If not
optimum time, then the winner will be the competitor that jumps clear and goes fastest in the timed section. Faults count in
both sections on an equal basis and the whole course is completed regardless of where faults occur.
Accumulator – points are awarded for each jump that is jumped clear, with the points increasing for each jump. The winner
is the competitor that scores the most points in the fastest time.
Accumulator with joker – as for the accumulator, but the last fence will have a ‘joker’ option, which can be up to 10cm
higher than the rest of the fences, the joker scores extra points and also loses points if knocked down.
Like for Like – ridden over two rounds, combination with the closest matching time between their 2 rounds and least faults
Pairs box relay – the first competitor jumps half the course, must enter a square made by ground poles for the next
competitor to start and complete the course. The pair that complete the course the fastest will be the winners. It is £3 per
competitor. If you don’t have a pair you can enter and we will find you one.
Challenge – Drawn order. The course will comprise of 5 fences, each fence worth 10 points. The maximum score in any one
round is 50 points. We start with 2 rounds and in each round each competitor will designate a fence to be raised (each jump
can go up maximum of twice in each round). Round 3 will be against the clock for those with 100 points (or the top 5
combinations). A knock down and/or refusal will have 5 points deducted.