Please click here for our Terms & Conditions
Please click here for our Privacy Policy
Please click here for our Code of Conduct
Please click here for our Coaches Code of Conduct
RG will follow BE, BEF and the FEI in that the welfare of the Horse is
paramount in the sport of Eventing and must never be subordinated to competitive or
commercial interests. At all stages during the preparation, training and competing of
competition Horses, welfare must take precedence over all other demands. This includes
good Horse management, training methods, farriery, tack and transportation.
The sport of Eventing involves many people; as Competitors and their connections, as
Organisers and the teams of Officials and as helpers. The sport relies heavily on the
support and active involvement of many volunteers and many professionals in diverse
fields. RG requires everyone involved in the sport to behave in a civilised and courteous way towards each other and to uphold the integrity and repute of the sport.
Show respect for their ponies / horses, coaches, officials, competition organisers and stewards and their fellow members.
When competing they should abide by the rules of the competition and accept the decisions of the event stewards and organisers.
They may query a decision they do not understand politely and listen to the explanation.
Respect dignity and worth of all people involved in eventing, regardless of gender, race, colour, disability, sexuality, age, occupation, religion or political opinion.