Bury Farm Equestrian Village British Dressage (I-GP)+FS (Results Available)

Show Date
Mon, Feb 17, 2025
Closing Date
Thu, Feb 13, 2025
Starting Times:
From 18:00 to 20:00
Send by Text:

Class 1
Preliminary S Q - Test 4 (2024)    
Bronze, Silver, Gold
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
£25.00, £15.00, £10.00
Class Sponsor:
The Centre Line
Class 2
Preliminary S Q - Test 5 (2024)    
Bronze, Silver, Gold
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
£25.00, £15.00, £10.00
Class Sponsor:
The Centre Line
Class 3
Music Freestyle S Q - Prelim ( 2016) - Long    
Bronze, Silver, Gold
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
£25.00, £15.00, £10.00
Music for freestyle classes should ideally be presented to the Bury Farm show team in both a CD and USB stick format to provide the maximum opportunity to play the music successfully from our sound system. Please place music clearly labelled with horse and rider name into the MUSIC IN basket located on the show secretaries' desk.
Class 4
Novice S Q - Test 4 (2024)    
Bronze, Silver, Gold
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
£25.00, £15.00, £10.00
Class Sponsor:
Class 5
Novice S Q - Test 5 (2024)    
Bronze, Silver, Gold
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
£25.00, £15.00, £10.00
Class Sponsor:
Class 6
Music Freestyle S Q - Novice ( 2019) - Long    
Bronze, Silver, Gold
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
£25.00, £15.00, £10.00
Music for freestyle classes should ideally be presented to the Bury Farm show team in both a CD and USB stick format to provide the maximum opportunity to play the music successfully from our sound system. Please place music clearly labelled with horse and rider name into the MUSIC IN basket located on the show secretaries' desk.
Class 7
Elementary S Q - Test 4 (2024)    
Bronze, Silver, Gold
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
£25.00, £15.00, £10.00
Class Sponsor:
Class 8
Elementary S Q - Test 5 (2024)    
Bronze, Silver, Gold
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
£25.00, £15.00, £10.00
Class Sponsor:
Class 9
Music Freestyle S Q - Elementary (2024)    
Bronze, Silver, Gold
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
£25.00, £15.00, £10.00
Music for freestyle classes should ideally be presented to the Bury Farm show team in both a CD and USB stick format to provide the maximum opportunity to play the music successfully from our sound system. Please place music clearly labelled with horse and rider name into the MUSIC IN basket located on the show secretaries' desk.
Class 10
Medium S Q - Test 4 (2024)    
Bronze, Silver, Gold
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
£25.00, £15.00, £10.00
Class Sponsor:
Class 11
Medium S Q - Test 5 (2024)    
Bronze, Silver, Gold
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
£25.00, £15.00, £10.00
Class Sponsor:
Class 12
Music Freestyle S Q - Med. ( 2016) - Long    
Bronze, Silver, Gold
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
£25.00, £15.00, £10.00
Music for freestyle classes should ideally be presented to the Bury Farm show team in both a CD and USB stick format to provide the maximum opportunity to play the music successfully from our sound system. Please place music clearly labelled with horse and rider name into the MUSIC IN basket located on the show secretaries' desk.
Class 13
Advanced Medium S Q - Test 4 (2024)    
Bronze, Silver, Gold
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
£25.00, £15.00, £10.00
Class Sponsor:
Bret Willson Dressage International
Class 14
Advanced Medium S Q - Test 5 (2024)    
Bronze, Silver, Gold
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
£25.00, £15.00, £10.00
Class Sponsor:
Bret Willson Dressage International
Class 15
Music Freestyle S Q - Adv Med ( 2016)    
Bronze, Silver, Gold
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
£25.00, £15.00, £10.00
Music for freestyle classes should ideally be presented to the Bury Farm show team in both a CD and USB stick format to provide the maximum opportunity to play the music successfully from our sound system. Please place music clearly labelled with horse and rider name into the MUSIC IN basket located on the show secretaries' desk.
Class 16
Pick A Test S - PYO Adv    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
£25.00, £15.00, £10.00
Class 17
FEI Prix St Georges S Q - PSG Test (Updated 2022) ( 2009)    
Bronze, Silver, Gold
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
£35.00, £20.00, £15.00
Class Sponsor:
Fairfax Saddles
Class 18
Music Freestyle S Q - PSG/Young Rider ( 2022)    
Bronze, Silver, Gold
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
£35.00, £20.00, £15.00
Music for freestyle classes should ideally be presented to the Bury Farm show team in both a CD and USB stick format to provide the maximum opportunity to play the music successfully from our sound system. Please place music clearly labelled with horse and rider name into the MUSIC IN basket located on the show secretaries' desk.
Class 19
FEI Intermediate I S Q - Inter Test I (update 2022) ( 2009)    
Bronze, Silver, Gold
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
£35.00, £20.00, £15.00
Class Sponsor:
Saracen Horse Feeds
Class 20
Pick A Test S - PYO FEI    
Bronze, Silver, Gold
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
£35.00, £20.00, £15.00

Show Secretary: Bury Farm Secretary
Bury Farm Equestrian Club, Slapton, Mill Lane, Nr Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, LU7 9BT
Tel: 01525 222114, Mobile: 07568395548, Email: enquiries@buryfarmestates.co.uk, Website: www.buryfarmestates.co.uk

Bury Farm Equestrian Centre, Slapton, Mill Lane, Nr Leighton Buzzard, Bucks LU79BT

Show Information

The Bury Farm team looks forward to welcoming competitors to the centre. As the health and safety of all visitors is paramount please ensure that you have read the below information as you will be asked to comply with these guidelines during the course of your visit. Bury Farm reserves the right to ask competitors to leave the centre if any of the below guidelines are breached.

Entries and Times
Entries for Bury Farm shows must be made online via the event link on the Events Tab of the Bury Farm website, www.buryfarmequestrianvillage.co.uk. . Entries will not be accepted after the closing date unless space allows.

Entries for a Monday BD show usually close at midday on the Thursday before the show. 

Competitors will be required to provide the following information with their entry:
Name of Horse
Name of Rider
Classes entered
Horsebox Registration number
Horsebox size in tonnes
Payment details - all entries must be paid for online in advance of the show
Competitors will also be asked to agree that they comply with the terms and conditions of the show at the point of payment
Once submitted entries may be changed prior to the times being published by contacting dressage@buryfarmestates.co.uk with the entry changes.

Times will be posted on the event link two days prior to the competition. 

Once the times have been published entries may still be amended but only if a horse and/or rider can be substituted into the class and time on the published schedule.

Refunds and transfers to future shows will not be issued after times have been published. A transfer of entries may be considered if the competitor emails dressage@buryfarmestates.co.uk prior to the show times being published. Bury Farm will issue refunds for entries in line with British Dressage rules. Bury Farm reserves the right to charge an administration fee for any refund or transfer of entries.

On the day of the competition

A recommended maximum of 10 competitors will be allowed in our outdoor warm up arenas, and 4 in each of the indoor warm up arenas. No member of the public may attend the warm up spaces on foot. A collecting ring steward will call each competitor to the Dressaeg arenas at their allotted time. The competitor must enter the arena via the designated entrance as directed by the collecting ring steward. Competitors must head straight back to their lorries after they have cooled off. They may not access any other arena or farm track after their test has finished.

Scores will be added up at the venue after a class has concluded. Results will be published online via the Bury Farm website show link. Competitors will be able to collect sheets from the venue on the day of the competiton. Sheets will be laid out in the show reception area for collection. Please allow the show secretary time to lay sheets out and please avoid gathering in large groups prior to collecting sheets and rosettes. Results will be updated online throughout the show and judges will verify these results after each class has concluded. Sheets and rosettes can be posted out to competitors after the show has concluded upon reciept to the centre of an SAE.

Music for freestyle classes should ideally be presented to the Bury Farm show team in both a CD and USB stick format to provide the maximum opportunity to play the music successfully from our sound system. Please place music clearly labelled with horse and rider name into the MUSIC IN basket located on the show secretaries' desk.

Results will be sent to British Dressage within 48 hours of the show's conclusion and they will be available via the BD website once they have been verified by the BD fixtures team. 

The show organiser will be Anne Dingley. The show mobile will be available for competitors to contact on the day of competition - 07568 395548.

Each individual is personally responsible for their own health and safety. We recommend that visitors to the Centre are fully vaccinated against Covid 19. Please use hand sanitiser and wash hands regularly during your visit to the centre.

Toilets will be available for use in the International show centre.

The Paddocks cafe team will provide a service on the day of competition.

Competitors may not access the livery facilities during their visit to the centre.

Payment Details & Event Fees

Entries in advance. You can enter using a Secure Online Entry System:
Payment is secure and it goes directly Bury Farm Equestrian Centre.
You will receive an email confirmation of your class entry and payment.

Stabling Information: Yes

Stabling can be booked online alongside your entries. Photos of horse's passport (cover and vaccination page) need to be emailed to dressage@buryfarmestates.co.uk prior to the show

Prize Information

Prize money will be paid by BACS after the show, and competitors will be contacted by email to confirm their bank details.

Special Classes

 Music for freestyle classes should ideally be presented to the Bury Farm show team in both a CD and USB stick format to provide the maximum opportunity to play the music successfully from our sound system. Please place music clearly labelled with horse and rider name into the MUSIC IN basket located on the show secretaries' desk.


The Paddock's cafe will serve hot and cold food, drinks and snacks throughout show hours.

Practice Judging: Yes


 Please email withdrawals to dressage@buryfarmestates.co.uk or text 07568 395548 on the day of the show.

 Refunds and transfers to future shows will not be issued after times have been published. A transfer of entries may be considered if the competitor emails dressage@buryfarmestates.co.uk prior to the show times being published. Bury Farm will issue refunds for entries in line with British Dressage rules. Bury Farm reserves the right to charge an administration fee for any refund or transfer of entries.

Terms & Conditions

Please refer to www.buryfarmequestrianvillage.co.uk for full terms and conditions. All Bury Farm EC affiliated dressage events are run to BD rules.

By entering any equestrian class or competition run or held at Bury Farm EC you acknowledge that you are taking part in a risk sport and are a competent rider at the level to which you are competing.

Please refer to our Show Rules & Conditions of Entry.

Our agreed onsite partner SBM Photographic will provide a photographic service at selected Bury Farm shows, complying with GDPR guidelines. Some large Bury Farm events are live streamed by H&C TV and by Clip My Horse TV  under the guidance of equine media services policies.


All horses must be travelled with passports which can demonstrate that all vaccinations are up to date (Bury Farm operates a 12-month vaccination policy)

Horses must also show no clinical signs of the following when attending the centre:

  1. recent cough of unknown cause
  2. recent nasal discharge of unknown cause
  3. enlarged lymph nodes
  4. fever (>38.5 degrees)
  5. recent onset of neurological signs of unknown cause
  6. diarrhoea

Horses must also 

  1. not be under current investigation for EHV infection
  2. have not been in contact with and is not kept on the same premises as a horse known to have or be under investigation for EHV
  3. have not travelled out of the country for the past 28 days.

 Horses should NOT be brought to the centre if they are not in good health on the date of travel.

1. The decision of the judges & stewards in all cases is final. They reserve the right to alter, amend or cancel any part of the competition or to refuse any entry without stating a reason.
2. The organiser of this event has taken reasonable precautions to ensure the health, safety and welfare of everyone present. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents occurring, and must obey instructions of the organisers, officials and stewards.
3. The organisers will not be held responsible and accept no liability for any accident, loss, damage, injury or illness to horses, owners, rider, spectators, vehicles or their contents and accessories, breach of contract or in any other way whatsoever. It is a condition of entry that each entrant shall agree to indemnify against any legal action arising from such incident.
4. All competitors must be suitably dressed in correct riding attire to current British Safety Standards. Riding / Jodhpur boots must be worn for all classes. 
5. Horses & ponies tied to lorry or trailers must not be left unattended.
6. Please ensure the area around your horsebox / trailer is clean and tidy. Droppings collected and not swept onto or left on BFEC. Please take litter home or use the bins provided.
7. Children must be supervised at all times

8. Whilst outside arenas, horses and ponies should be moved at a walk only.

9. No dogs allowed, other than in Lorry Park Only and MUST be on a lead at all times.

10. Drivers are urged to take extra caare when driving around the Show Centre and in the surrounding villages. Please be mindful of horses, pedestrians and other vehicles.


Email Secretary - enquiries@buryfarmestates.co.uk
Copyright 1999 - 2025 : Equine Affairs
Event promoted by www.equineaffairs.com - The UK's Biggest Show Directory, www.myridinglife.com - The UK's Biggest Show Entries Website and is part of Show Software produced by Affairs Group IT www.affairsgroup.co.uk