MPEC Claire Loney BHSII Clinic Pole work, SJ or XC (Going Ahead)

Show Date
Wed, Oct 9, 2024
Starting Times:

Times will be posted on the website 2 days before hand.
Times usually between 9am and 2pm unless we have any special requests

Class 1
Show Jumping Training Clinic - Private Lesson    
Entry Fee:
1 hour Private Lesson
Class 2
Show Jumping Training Clinic - Private Lesson    
Entry Fee:
½ hour Private Lesson
Class 3
Show Jumping Training Clinic - Shared Lesson    
Entry Fee:
Shared/Group Lesson Show Jumping - 2 people minimum, 4 people maximum. The lesson will be between 1 and 1.5 hours depending on how many people are in the group
Class 4
Flatwork & Polework Training Clinic - Private Lesson    
Entry Fee:
1 hour Private Lesson
Class 5
Flatwork & Polework Training Clinic - Private Lesson    
Entry Fee:
½ hour Private Lesson
Class 6
Flatwork & Polework Training Clinic - Shared Lesson    
Entry Fee:
Shared/Group Lesson Flat/Pole Work - 2 people minimum, 4 people maximum. The lesson will be between 1 and 1.5 hours depending on how many people are in the group
Class 7
Cross Country Training Clinic - Private Lesson    
Entry Fee:
1 hour Private lesson
Class 8
Cross Country Training Clinic - Group Lesson    
Entry Fee:
Shared/Group XC Lesson - 2 people minimum, 4 people maximum. The lesson will be between 1 and 1.5 hours depending on how many people are in the group

Show Secretary: Hannah Green
The Carthouse, Chewton Field Farm, Ston Easton, Bath, Somerset, BA3 4BX
Tel: 01761 241123, Mobile: 07841032013, Email:

Mendip Plains EC, The Carthouse, Chewton Field Farm, Ston Easton, Radstock, Bristol BA34BX
Map Link: Mendip Plains EC

Payment Details & Event Fees

1 hour Private Lesson Show Jumping -£62
½ hour Private Lesson Show Jumping - £36
Shared/Group Lesson Show Jumping - 2 people minimum, 4 people maximum. The lesson will be between 1 and 1.5 hours depending on how many people are in the group. - £36
1 hour Private Lesson Flat/Pole Work -£55
½ hour Private Lesson Flat/Pole Work - £35
Shared/Group Lesson Flat/Pole Work - 2 people minimum, 4 people maximum. The lesson will be between 1 and 1.5 hours depending on how many people are in the group. - £35
1 hour XC Private lesson £65
Shared/Group XC Lesson - 2 people minimum, 4 people maximum. The lesson will be between 1 and 1.5 hours depending on how many people are in the group. - £45


In the event of abandonment entry fees will be returned less £2 administration fee or entries can be carried over to another competition. Withdrawals received in writing before the close of entries will have entry fees returned less £2 administration fee or entries can be carried over to another competition. On and after the closing date of entries no refunds will be made. The £1.50 booking fee is non refundable under any circumstances.

Terms & Conditions

Strict Covid 19 Rules Apply.

Arrival & Parking
• Arrival, all entries MUST be in advance. Do not turn up on the day and expect to enter.
• No extra vehicles, spectators and extended family will be allowed on site. (One helper per one horse and rider)
• All tacking up and preparation of horses must take place within your designated parking area.

Jumping Arenas, Warm Up and Cool Down Facilities
A grass will be designated for the walk warm up and walk warm down.
• Warm up arena will be available for jumping.
Practice Arena Etiquette
• A maximum of 5 riders are allowed in the jumping warm up at one time.
• Riders should maintain a distance of five horse lengths apart from other competitors at all times.
• Anyone found to be disregarding these rules will be asked to leave.
• Only two MPEC Officials will be allowed in the arena on foot. No other persons on foot will be allowed in the arena at any time.

The Competition
• One competitor to be in the ring at any one time.
• Classes will run strictly to time allocation order.
• All competitions to be run as single phase.
• After cooling down riders must immediately return to their designated parking area to untack.
• No prize-giving will take place. Results will be read out and Results will be posted online.
• Rosettes will be left in a singular bag for collection if wanted.

• Hand sanitiser will be available throughout the venue. Please use on a regular basis.
• The cafe will be available for takeaway service.
• Toilets will have running water with soap and hand sanitiser.
• All staff, officials and volunteers will be provided with suitable barrier wear for all personnel.
• Maintain Social distancing at all times
• The office will be out of bounds to everyone.

An internal first aider will be present for the duration of the show. Correct PPE will be worm in the event of assistance being needed.
Ensure you pick up your horse poo and hay up from the car park using YOUR OWN Equipment
Bring YOUR OWN WATER for washing down and buckets.

Horse Riding is a dangerous sport and you participate at MPEC at your own risk and with out any reliance on MPEC, its owners, servants or agents for safety of yourself or your property. Due care has been taken to maintain the facilities in a safe condition, but riders must observe the following terms and conditions.

Terms and conditions for MPEC’S use of facilities and competitions:
1. The organisers reserve the right to cancel or amend and competitions or classes in any way.
2. A ‘Riding Hat’ designed to provide protection, must be worn at all times by anyone whether or not a participant or competitor, riding anywhere at the Mendip Plains EC site. Hats must reach at least one of the following standards: AII PAS 015: 1998, BS EN1384: 1997 – Provided that they are BSI Kite marked or SEI. Snell E2001 plus Snell Label with chin strap fastened as so to prevent the movement.
3. Body protectors – a British Equestrian trade association (Beta) approved and appropriately labelled Level 3 body protector, manufactured in the year 2000 or after, is mandatory for cross country and whenever else a body protector is required to be worn.
4. For all competitions, the judge’s decision is final. At all times, all competitors and other visitors to MPEC must ad hear to all instructions provided by stewards.
5. All persons under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
6. All rubbish must be disposed of in the bins provided. Lorries/trailers are not to be skipped out onto the car park, again please use skips and bins provided.
7. No horse/pony is to be left unattended unless secured in a lorry or trailer attached to a vehicle.
8. Dogs are welcome onsite but must be kept on a lead at all times. Waste is to be disposed of in bins provided.
9. At MPEC no smoking is permitted in any of the buildings.
10. Any facilities that are damaged must be reported to the office and paid for.
11. All accidents must be reported and an accident report completed at the MPEC office.
12. In all competitions the Judges decision shall be final.
13. There may be photography or filming going on at our competitions and it is your responsibility to let us know if you do not want to be photographed or filmed whilst at our event.

Health and Safety
MPEC has taken every reasonable precaution to ensure the health and safety of everyone present. For these measures to be effective everyone must take reasonable precautions to avoid accidents occurring and obey the instructions of the organisers and all other officials and stewards at all times.

Limit of Legal Liability
Competitors enter and compete at their own risk and save for death or personal injury caused by the negligence of MPEC its owners, servants or agents they agree not to claim for injury, loss or damage caused to or suffered by any person, horse or pony or any other property including vehicles in connection with or arising from any activity at MPEC whether or not the said injury, loss or damage is caused by the negligence of the owners or any other person or thing on the MPEC land.


We strongly advise that you take out your own personal insurance for both yourself and your horse. For full details of our Refund & Cancellation Policy for Bookings please refer to our website.


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