Pickering Grange Equestrian Senior BS Cat 2 (Going Ahead)

Show Date
Thu, Sep 5, 2024
Enter Online
Starting Times:

Approximately 9am depending on entries

Class 1
Clear Round Show Jumping (0.80m)    
Clear Round
Entry Fee:
Class 2
Equissage Pulse Senior British Novice/ 90cm Open (0.90m)    
Single Phase  325mpm
Entry Fee:
£30.00, £20.00, £18.00, £16.00, £16.00, £16.00,
Rule 316. Single Phase. Speed 325mpm. Start Height 90cm. DRAWN ORDER Horses (or ponies in pony competitions) may compete in one section only. In the event of insufficient entries lower prizes will be withheld. Rule - 76.6 Entry qualifications: to be ridden by Adult, Associate or Junior Members a) For horses in Grade C that have not won a total of 125 points. Four Double Clears will qualify - in accordance with Rule 316.6. b) For all horses born on or after 1 January 2018 irrespective of points. Horses will only be eligible for double clear qualification to Second Rounds if they reach the age of four years or under in the same calendar year as the British Novice Final - in accordance with Rule 316.6. Qualifies for: Senior British Novice Championship - Second Round. Qualifying period: 1st May - 30th April inclusive. Numbers to qualify: Those horses which jump a clear round in the first round, followed by a clear round in the jump-off, in at least four British Novice First Round competitions held in any qualifying period will qualify to compete in the British Novice Second Rounds, irrespective of their placings for prize money in those competitions, which will be determined by the normal Table A rules (Rule 191). Horses in the class must go in to the jump-off and go clear to gain a double clear round qualification. If combined with an open: In Category 1 Shows and in the event of 30 starters or more the Open and the British Novice section will be split with two sets of prize money awarded. In Category 2 Shows the sections must always be split with two sets of prize money awarded, irrespective of starters.
Class 3
Senior Discovery/ 1m Open (1.00m)    
Single Phase  325mpm
Entry Fee:
£40.00, £30.00, £20.00, £18.00, £18.00, £18.00
Rule 314. Single Phase. Speed 325mpm. Start Height 1.00m. DRAWN ORDER Horses (or ponies in pony competitions) may compete in one section only. In the event of insufficient entries lower prizes will be withheld. Rule - 76.6 Entry qualifications: to be ridden by Adult, Associate or Junior Members. a) For horses in Grade C that have not won a total of 225 points. Four Double Clears will qualify - in accordance with Rule 314.6. b) For all horses born on or after 1 January 2017 irrespective of points. Horses will only be eligible for double clear qualification to Second Rounds if they reach the age of five years or under in the same calendar year as the Discovery Final - in accordance with Rule 314.6. Qualifies for: Nupafeed Supplements Discovery Championship Second Round. Qualifying period: 1st May-30th April inclusive. Numbers to qualify: Those horses that jump a clear round in the first round, followed by a clear round in the jump-off, in at least four First Round competitions held in any qualifying period, will qualify to compete in the Senior Discovery Second Rounds, irrespective of their placings for prize money in those competitions, which will be determined by the normal Table A Rules (Rule 191). Horses in the class must go in to the jump-off and go clear to gain a double clear round qualification. If combined with an open: In Category 1 Shows and in the event of 30 starters or more the Open and the Discovery section will be split with two sets of prize money awarded. In Category 2 Shows the sections must always be split with two sets of prize money awarded, irrespective of starters.
Class 4
1.05m Open (1.05m)    
A4  350mpm
Entry Fee:
£40.00, £30.00, £20.00, £18.00, £18.00, £18.00
DRAWN ORDER For registered horses in Grades: A, B & C. Ridden by Adult, Associate or Junior Members who will be aged 12 years or over in the current calendar year. In the event of insufficient entries lower prizes will be withheld. Rule - 76.6
Class 5
Senior Newcomers/ 1.10m Open (1.10m)    
Single Phase  325mpm
Entry Fee:
£55.00, £40.00, £30.00, £20.00, £20.00, £20.00
Rule 312. DRAWN ORDER In the event of 30 or more starters the class will be split and two sets of prize money awarded. Horses (or ponies in pony competitions) may compete in one section only. In the event of insufficient entries lower prizes will be withheld. Rule - 76.6 • Newcomers: (a) For registered horses in Grade C that have not won a total of 375 points. Four double clears will qualify - in accordance with rule 312.6 (b) For all horses born on or after 1st January 2016, irrespective of Points. Horses will only be eligible for double clear qualification to Second Rounds if they reach the age of six years or under in the same calendar year as the Newcomers Final - in accordance with Rule 312.6. Four double clears will qualify for the Senior Newcomers Second Rounds. Qualifying period: The Senior Newcomers Second Round qualifying period for the 2022 second rounds is 1 May '21 – 30 April '22 (subject to revision). If combined with an open: In the event of 30 or more starters the class will be split with two sets of prize money. • 1.10m Open: For registered horses ridden by Adult, Associate or Junior Members.
Class 6
Redpost Equestrian Senior Foxhunter/ 1.20m Open (1.20m)    
Single Phase  350mpm
Entry Fee:
£80.00, £60.00, £45.00, £30.00, £25.00, £22.00
Rule 310. Single Phase. Speed 350mpm. Start Height 1.20m. DRAWN ORDER First place rosette kindly sponsored by Equitop GLME In the event of 30 or more starters the class will be split and two sets of prize money awarded. Horses (or ponies in pony competitions) may compete in one section only. In the event of insufficient entries lower prizes will be withheld. Rule - 76.6 • Foxhunter: (a) For registered horses in Grade C that have not won a total of 700 points. Four double clears will qualify - in accordance with rule 310.6 (b) For all registered horses born on or after 1 January 2015, irrespective of points. Horses will be eligible for double clear qualification to attend second rounds providing they reach the age of seven years or under in the same calendar year as the Foxhunter Final - in accordance with rule 310.6 Four double clears will qualify. Four double clears will qualify for the Senior Foxhunter Second Rounds. Qualifying period: The Senior Foxhunter Second Round qualifying period for the 2022 second rounds is 1 May '21 – 30 April '22 (subject to revision). Those horses that have qualified for the Senior Foxhunter Championship in 2021 are not eligible for qualification to the 2022 Championship. If combined with an open: In the event of 30 or more starters the class will be split with two sets of prize money. • 1.20m Open: For registered horses ridden by Adult, Associate or Junior Members.
Class 7
Senior 1.25m & 1.30m Open Handicap (1.25m - 1.30m)    
Single Phase  375mpm
Entry Fee:
£100.00, £75.00, £55.00, £30.00, £27.00
Rule 306. Single Phase. Speed 375mpm. Start Height 1.30m. DRAWN ORDER In the event of insufficient entries lower prizes will be withheld. Rule - 76.6 Open to registered horses to be ridden by Adult, Associate and Junior Members. Qualifies for: The British Showjumping National Championships. Qualifying period: 1st July-30th June. Numbers to qualify: Two double clears to qualify to the final. Double clear qualifications will not be obtained from one round competitions (e.g. Table A4 or Table A (1 Round))
Class 8
1.40m Open    
Single Phase
Entry Fee:
£100.00, £75.00, £55.00, £30.00, £27.00, £27.00

Show Secretary: Pickering Grange Farm Show Secretary
Ellistown Terrace Road, Ellistown, Leicestershire, LE67 1EZ
Mobile: 07932667758, Email: events@pickeringgrange.co.uk

Pickering Grange Farm, Ellistown Terrace Road, Ellistown, Coalville, Leicestershire LE671EZ

Payment Details & Event Fees

Entries in advance. You can book using our Secure Online Entry System.
Payment is secure and it goes directly to Pickering Grange Equestrian.
You will receive an email confirmation of your booking and payment.



 Cafe on site seving hot and cold food/drinks 


Affiliated shows are required to repay 50 % of the entry fees in respect of all entry cancellations which are received by the Show Organiser not later than 48 hours before noon of the day on which the first affiliated competition of the show is scheduled to start except in those circumstances outlined in Rule 79.5.

Terms & Conditions


All visitors (“you”) are required to accept these terms and conditions for themselves and any children they bring to Pickering Grange Farm (“the Farm”). If you do not agree then you may not visit the Farm. The partners, staff and agents of Pickering Grange Farm (also trading as Pickering Grange Equestrian) are collectively referred to as “we” or “us”.

Risk acceptance

You accept that being around horses and riding at any standard has inherent risk and that all horses may react unpredictably on occasions. You may fall off and could be injured, or be injured by another horse. You accept these risks.

You understand that children are at particular risk around horses and agree to keep children that you are responsible for under close supervision. You agree to be responsible for the behaviour and welfare of any children you bring to the Farm.

You understand that competing or using the cross country course (or both) carries enhanced risk over and above general riding and agree that if you chose to participate, it is up to you to ensure that you have the experience and ability to ride the course including any jumps that form part of it. If you are in any doubt, you will use your judgment and experience and not enter.

The Farm is a working farm and you understand and accept the risks of being on a farm. These risks include but are not limited to uneven and slippery ground, unpredictable animal behaviour and farm traffic. You agree not to enter any areas where farm machinery is being used, and will give way to farm machinery.

Horses and Riding

You agree that your horse’s behaviour and welfare is your responsibility, and that you will maintain a valid passport with a record of up-to-date inoculations including ‘flu and tetanus, and show these to us if we ask. If your horse is showing any symptoms of illness, you may not bring your horse to the Farm.

You agree to only ride or lead a horse whilst wearing a correctly fastened riding hat (to a current recognised standard) and suitable riding gloves and suitable riding footwear with defined heels. You understand that it is advisable to wear a hat when grooming.

You understand that wearing a body protector may reduce the severity of an injury. For children and for jumping over solid fences (cross-country and arena eventing) body protectors to current standards are required. Otherwise you understand it is your choice whether or not to wear a body protector. You warrant that you and anyone else you permit to ride a horse are suitably competent and experienced to ride that horse.  For safety reasons all lone riders must be accompanied by another person. A mobile phone should be carried for emergencies.

If you are not a full time livery customer and we agree to handle your horse then in consideration you will indemnify us and hold us harmless for any losses arising to the maximum extent permitted by law.

If your horse requires veterinary treatment, we will try to contact you first. You consent to us providing or organising treatment at our discretion if we are unable to contact you in a timely fashion. You indemnify and hold us harmless for any welfare decisions we make on your behalf that we believe are in the interest of the horse.

If your horse is stabled with us temporarily then stables must be left clean and tidy with clean bedding banked up across the back, and if you bring a stallion you must bring an electric fence pack. Any damage caused by a temporarily stabled horse must be paid for. Stallion grills should be requested in advance by email.

Lunging is not allowed except in the lunge arena. Unless turned out in a paddock, horses must be kept off the grass areas to avoid damage to mowing equipment.

Insurance and Liability

You agree to maintain appropriate insurance for yourself, any guests and all property that you bring to the Farm. If you compete then you agree to ensure your insurance covers your participation in competitions. You must insure yourself and anyone you allow to ride your horse for public liability and any legal liability that may attach to you as the keeper of the horse.

We accept no responsibility for loss or damage to your property (including but not limited to your horse).


If you compete, you agree to abide by the rules of the competition and pay the appropriate fee. Access for competitions is from 8.00am, please do not arrive before this time.

If you withdraw, if we deem you to be unfit to compete, or if you are not allowed to compete due to not complying with the rules or not bringing the correct equipment or documentation (such as passport and vaccination certificates) then no refunds will be given. You agree that event photography is an integral part of competitions, and competitors may be photographed. We may pass rider, horse and competition details to the event photographer who may display these details on their website. A refund of entry fees may be given in lieu of prize money. Prize money unclaimed 21 days after a competition is forfeited.

All unaffiliated events will be run by reference to the relevant affiliated rules: British Showjumping (BS), British Dressage (BD) and British Eventing (BE). The decision of the judge is final. We may amend the rules at any time.

For BS competitions you agree that we will restrict prizes to one for every five entries, in accordance with BS Rule 76 (6), and not pay scheduled prize money for competitions with fewer than four starters in accordance with BS rule 76 (14).

For affiliated competitions we may share the information you have provided in connection with your entry to the relevant body. If you receive an injury any medical reports relating to your condition may be passed to BE. Any medical reports passed to BE will be held on your records and passed in confidence to the UK Transport Research Lab for the purposes of safety analyses.  You agree to comply with all the relevant BE rules as detailed in the BE Rules and Members' handbook, including those relating to vaccinations & BEFAR (BEF Anti-Doping Rules).

Cross country

Every person entering the cross country course does so at their own risk, and voluntarily accepts the risk of injury or damage that is implicit in riding on, over or near a cross country course and cross country schooling fences, and the risk to spectators.

Before using the cross country course all riders must familiarise themselves with the course and only jump jumps for which the horse and rider are capable of, taking note of the ground conditions and any hazards or bends. Studs are recommended in all conditions.

Jumps that are marked with red and white flags may only be jumped in one direction. The direction of the jump is indicated by jumping with the red flag on the right side of the jump. Crossed flags in front of the jump indicate that the jump is out of use and must not be jumped. Please report any defect or damage to any jump whilst using the course. All accidents or damage to the course must be reported to us before leaving the course.

All riders must take note of any footpath signs and keep off footpaths. When approaching farm tracks, please slow and look for any traffic. No racing must take place at any time. Spectators must stay clear of jumps at all times. Children must be supervised at all times and are not permitted to be on the cross country course alone (mounted or on foot or spectating).

Facilities and instruction

Unless you are having a lesson from the partners or staff of Pickering Grange Farm then you agree that we provide facilities and not instruction, and any instruction is arranged between you and the instructor, even if we facilitate the arrangement. You agree to check your instructor is suitably qualified and has appropriate insurance.

You agree that where you ride with other people (which may or may not include us) each rider is responsible for their own safety and no element of tuition or oversight is provided by us. For the avoidance of doubt this includes riding outside the Farm that we have organised.

If you are a visiting coach, clinic host, riding club or any other group or association using our facilities or a third party stallholder, concessionaire, caterer or any other bona fide sub-contractors engaged by us, you agree that you are suitably qualified and will perform your own risk assessment. You also agree to  maintain your own public liability insurance with a minimum limit of £2,000,000 and employers liability insurance (if applicable), and provide us with copies of your insurance documentation.

Vehicles and Driving

Lorries and trailers may not be skipped out in parking areas. Hay nets may not be tied outside lorries or trailers. You agree not to leave rubbish at the Farm except in the bins provided. No horse is to be left unattended unless correctly secured inside the trailer or horsebox. Vehicles may only be parked in the allocated areas.

You accept that taking vehicles onto a farm is a risk to safety and may cause damage for which you accept responsibility. You agree to move your vehicle on request. You consent to us moving your vehicle as your agent and at your own risk. If you ask us to move a vehicle then you warrant that you act with the authority of the owner. If we agree to move a vehicle then in consideration you will indemnify us and hold us harmless for any losses arising to the maximum extent permitted by law.

You accept the risk that other drivers may not be familiar with the farm and may not be familiar with horse behaviour.

Staying at the Farm

If your visit includes staying at the Farm overnight, then you accept that the gates to the Farm are normally locked overnight, (from after 9pm to approximately 7.30am) and that you will make arrangements to exit the farm in an emergency with your event organiser or us. Please take any rubbish home with you.


You agree to report any potential hazards or maintenance issues to management immediately (including but not limited to broken fencing).

You agree to not to enter any areas of the Farm that are not explicitly for the purpose of your visit.

We may record and store images and audio for our own purposes, including the management of the facility, the prevention and detection of crime, to ensure compliance with farm rules and for the promotion of Pickering Grange Farm.  You may not record or store images or audio without our permission. You may not use any images or audio recorded at the Farm for any purpose without our written consent.

No smoking or use of e-cigarettes is allowed anywhere on the Farm, except for the area near the toilet where a cigarette disposal bin is provided.

You agree to be responsible for any damage caused by you or your horse. Well-behaved dogs are allowed but must be kept on a lead and supervised at all times. You agree to clean up any mess left by your dog.

You are responsible for the safety of any guests you invite to the Farm, including any children. You agree to ensure that anyone you invite to the Farm understands and accepts these terms and conditions.

Headings are for convenience only and do not affect the interpretation of these terms and conditions.

We may close the Farm or any part of it at any time at no notice due to operational issues, any outbreak of equine or human disease, or acting on the advice of any competent authority.

You agree to leave the Farm if we ask you to at any time and for any reason.


Email Secretary - events@pickeringgrange.co.uk
Copyright 1999 - 2024 : Equine Affairs
Event promoted by www.equineaffairs.com - The UK's Biggest Show Directory, www.myridinglife.com - The UK's Biggest Show Entries Website and is part of Show Software produced by Affairs Group IT www.affairsgroup.co.uk