Carleton Riding Club Show Jumping & Dressage Show (Going Ahead)

Show Date
Sun, Oct 13, 2024
Closing Date
Wed, Oct 9, 2024
Starting Times:


Dressage will usually start at 8am.

Show jumping will start in the afternoon, usually between 1pm and 2pm.

Times for both dressage and showjumping will be available by 8pm on the Friday prior to the show. Times will be emailed to the email address you have registered on your account and will also be available on the Carleton Riding Club Facebook page. 

Class 1
Show Jumping (0.50m)    
Single Phase
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
No fillers. Open to Horses & Ponies / riders any age Combinations who compete in the 50cm class may not compete in classes 4 – 6 as the 50cm class is aimed at novice horses and riders
Class 2
Show Jumping (0.60m)    
Single Phase
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Open to Horses & Ponies / riders any age
Class 3
Show Jumping (0.70m)    
Single Phase
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Open to Horses & Ponies / riders any age
Class 4
Show Jumping (0.80m)    
Single Phase
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Open to Horses & Ponies / riders any age
Class 5
Show Jumping (0.90m)    
Single Phase
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Open to Horses & Ponies / riders any age
Class 6
Show Jumping (1.00m)    
Single Phase
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Open to Horses & Ponies / riders any age
Class 7 D1A
Introductory - Test C    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Class 8 D1B
Walk & Trot - CRC W & T    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Class 9 D2
Preliminary - Test 13 (Rev 2016)    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Class 10 D3
Preliminary - Test 17(a)    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Class 11 D4
Novice - BE PYO    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
BE94 (2023) or BE102 (2010) please state which test you wish to enter. This is an OPEN class.
Class 12 D5
Novice - Test 30    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
This is an OPEN class.
Class 13 D6
Open - Test 38    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
This is an OPEN class.
Class 14 D7
Elementary - Test 59    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
This is an OPEN class.
Class 15 D8
Medium - PYO    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Med75 (2002) Ad Med 94 (2002) Elem 55 (2019) Open to all

Show Secretary: Carleton Riding Club Show Secretary

Easton College, Easton, Norwich, Norfolk NR95GA
Map Link: Easton College

Show Information

Dressage Sections: Junior and senior sections will run in all classes regardless of numbers.
Jumping Sections: Pony (up to 148 cm) and horse (over 148am) sections will run in all classes regardless of numbers.

Warmup Ring Etiquette
Carleton Riding Club is very aware of health and safety and as such instructors / grooms / helpers are not permitted in the warm-up ring, accept to alter jump heights, and pick up poles. If encouragement / instruction is given, the person providing this is welcome to stand behind the rails provided this in carried out discreetly and doesn’t interfere with or distract fellow competitors. Please observe the left-to-left warm up etiquette and remember to look up and be aware of fellow competitors. If you are in walk on the track, please give way to all riders in trot and canter (this is the only time the left-to-left rule is not observed). Please ensure you approach jumps correctly, paying attention to the red and white flag rule (red on your right, white on your left. Please be polite and obey the instructions of the Warm-up Ring Steward – they are present as a volunteer to ensure the show runs smoothly. If you do not obey our official volunteers, you will be asked to leave the show ground immediately and will not be permitted to compete.
Warm up is on a surface in the outdoor arena. Lunging is not permitted in the competition warm up area. However, lunging may be arranged with prior permission directly from Easton College, in another area.

Dressage Judges: Where possible, we use British Dressage Listed Judges. When this is not possible our judges are either experienced competitors and/or unaffiliated judges. THE JUDGES DECISION IS FINAL.
Scoring: Scoring will take place in the café. Please respect the need for the scorers to work undisturbed and refrain from interrupting when they are busy.

Riders are asked to enter classes appropriate to the combination’s ability and experience. Riders underestimating their horses’ ability may be asked to consider completing the test HC and entering the next appropriate class. Competitors are classed as juniors for the whole season if they are under 18 on 1/1/22. Jackets and gloves must be worn; gaiters are permitted, as are leather half chaps in black or brown.

DR Tests:
All dressage tests (excluding the Walk & Trot long arena test), are current British Dressage tests. Test sheets are available from British Dressage - Tel. 02476 698830. The Walk and Trot 2021 (long arena) test is available from a Committee Member and is published on the clubs Facebook page.

Guidance on entering the D1 (A & B)
Combination not to have scored 67% or more in any dressage test on more than two occasions. Normal riding bit, martingale, and lead rein allowed. Intended for nervous riders, those trying dressage for the first time or a young horses’ first test. Riders affiliated to British Dressage may only enter this class HC.
Restrictions for D2 (A & B) and D3 (A & B)
Horse/pony to have no British Dressage or British Eventing points (Inc. BE Foundation Points) as at 01/01/23 and / or combination not to have won more than two Prelim classes (unaff or aff) prior to 01/01/23 with a percentage of 67% or more.

Show Jumping Judges: Julia Grover or other accredited / experienced show jumping judges. THE JUDGES DECISION IS FINAL.
Course Builder: Stephen Dye or other accredited / experienced course builders.

All show-jumping classes are judged under the BRC Rules, exceptions as below:

Single phase: First and second section with a time allowed and time limit. Second Section against the clock. Faults to be accumulated over both sections. The competitor will jump the whole course unless they are eliminated. Number of fences: 5-7 fences in each section (max 12 fences overall). The second section must include at least 5 additional obstacles. The height of the second section should be set higher than those set for the first section.

The BRC rule of 4 faults for the first refusal, 8 faults for the second refusal and elimination for the third refusal will be applied.

Fall of rider and/or horse means immediate elimination and no other jumps in the ring may be attempted.

Non-Competing: HC jumping maybe permitted on payment of the appropriate entry fee. Any HC jumping rounds will be ridden at the end of the first round for each class at the judges’ discretion.

Numbers: Numbers are hugely important to the smooth running of the shows, we therefore request that you wear a number whilst riding. This may be a dressage number or an A4 printed number placed in a number bib worn by the rider. Number templates can be found at: (Horse Trials Number Template).


Payment Details & Event Fees

2Entries will be accepted on a first come first served basis. Please ensure you enter promptly to avoid disappointment. If the show becomes full before the closing date, the entries will close in advance of the published date.

Show Jumping Entry fee: Members £9.00 per class, non-members £13.50 per class, first aid - £3.00 per rider.
Dressage Entry fee: Members £11.00 per class, non members £15.50 per class, first aid - £3.00 per rider.

Prize Information

Show Jumping Prizes: Rosette’s 1st – 6th in each class for each section (pony / horse)
Show Jumping Leagues: Leagues will run for both pony and horse sections of each class. 

Dressage Prizes: Rosette’s 1st – 6th in each class for each section (J/S).
Dressage Leagues: Leagues will run for both junior and senior sections of each class D2 – D7. .

There will also be an overall league for juniors and seniors separately which will incorporate results from dressage and showjumping. More details to follow.


Dressage Results: Usually, a score board will be available for viewing in the café. Please note that the committee reserves the right to withdraw a score board if it deemed unsafe to do so due to Covid. In any case, please do not linger around this area after you have viewed your score. Sheets and rosettes will be available approx. 30 mins after each class has completed (if you are riding a second test under the same judge, your sheet from the first class will be available after you have ridden your second test).


Withdrawing from Show Jumping: Entries close at midnight on the Monday prior to each show. If you find yourself in the unfortunate / disappointing position in needing to withdraw, withdrawals must be notified directly to TBC by TBC, before midnight on the Wednesday prior to each show for either a refund (less transaction fees) or a transfer to the next consecutive dated show. Refunds or transfers will NOT be offered for withdrawals made after midnight on the Wednesday prior to a show.

Withdrawing from Dressage: Entries close at midnight on the Monday prior to each show. If you find yourself in the unfortunate / disappointing position in needing to withdraw, withdrawals must be notified directly to TBC by TBC, before midnight on the Monday prior to each show for either a refund (less transaction fees) or a transfer to the next consecutive dated show. Refunds or transfers will NOT be offered for withdrawals made after midnight on the Monday prior to a show.

Terms & Conditions


The schedule has been complied to give a gradual progression of jumping courses to suit the various abilities of pony / horse and rider. Club members wishing to participate in the BRC Area qualifiers are expected to compete in the classes of appropriate standards. Any riders underestimating their pony / horse’s ability may be asked to compete HC or enter the next appropriate class.

Showjumping - The club considers that three consecutive height classes as the maximum number of classes a horse or pony may enter. Those combinations competing in the 50cm classes are not eligible to enter classes 4 – 6 as this class is aimed at novice pony / horse and rider. Jackets and gloves are expected to be worn; gaiters are permitted, as are leather half chaps in black or brown.

In all cases of dispute, a written protest should accompany a deposit of £10.00 and be delivered to the Show Secretary before 6pm on the show day, otherwise the protest will not be considered. The Show Secretary shall as soon as possible after receipt, give notice of the protest to the Committee members present and if possible decide the case before the conclusion of the show; otherwise, it will be referred to the Committee for later determination. In either case, the decision shall be final. The deposit of £10.00 will be forfeit save in the event that the protest is upheld. When the protest has been determined all parties shall be notified of such determination.


Email Secretary -
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