West Wilts Dan Greenwood Dressage Clinic (External Hire)

Show Date
Tue, Aug 20, 2024

Show Secretary: Juliet Leighton
Hassage Manor, Faulkland, Bath, Somerset, BA3 5XG
Tel: 01373 834449, Mobile: 07778730445, Email: juliet.leighton@outlook.com

West Wilts Equestrian Centre, Melksham Road, Holt, Trowbridge, Wiltshire BA146QT

Show Information
Dan is an International Grand Prix rider and an Accredited BD Youth Coach who is happy to teach all levels. Dan has a sympathetic approach to teaching, which has won him a loyal client base. He has won numerous National titles and has competed for Great Britain in Big Tour.

Payment Details & Event Fees
£90 for an Individual 45 minute sessions to include facility hire. Please contact Juliet Leight on by email to book your place juliet.leighton@outlook.com


Email Secretary - juliet.leighton@outlook.com
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