Shropshire South Riding Club "Stable - Core Stability" Fit Ball Class (Going Ahead)

Show Date
Mon, Jun 17, 2024 to Mon, Jul 22, 2024
Starting Times:

Time: Every Monday, starting 17 th June  – 22nd July 2024 7.00-8.00pm

Booking Type 1
Training Clinic (Unmounted) - Members     (Closed)
Ticket Cost:
Booking Type 2
Training Clinic (Unmounted) - Non Members     (Closed)
Ticket Cost:

Show Secretary: Shropshire South Riding Club Entries Secretary

The Falcon Hotel, Bromyard, Herefordshire HR74BT
Map Link: The Falcon Hotel

Show Information

“STABLE - CORE STABILITY” class with Louise Harwood.
Any enquires contact Lindsey Wake

Core stability for horse riders is vital as riding requires the use of the hips, back and pelvis, which are all supported by our core muscles.
The abdominal muscles work together along with the muscles of the spine to help create core stability.
A strong core helps riders absorb shock and have a symmetrical and balanced riding position, therefore allowing them to have better control over their horse.
A lack of core stability will result in excessive movement in the saddle which can interfere with the aids to the horse. It can also lead to asymmetry which can lead to back pain and stiffness, in both the rider and the horse!
In the STABLE core ball class we work on a range of exercises on a fitball to improve our core stability. By utilising the ball in each of the exercises you will vastly improve abdominal strength and core stability.
One main reason is that by doing the exercises on an unstable base you have to engage core muscles to stabilise yourself whilst performing the movements. By lying on or resting over a ball you have a greater range of movement than you would have lying on the floor, so you train the muscles through a greater range.
The exercises on the ball can be targeted at different muscle groups and the versatility of the ball allows the exercises to be modified to increase or decrease the intensity or the skill factor required.
Most of all because of the new balancing skills that need to be learned, the STABLE core ball classes are challenging and fun!

Frequently asked questions:
Q. Do I need my own ball?
A. Yes, they start from around £10-15 (Amazon has a large selection) You will also need a gym mat. 
Q. What size ball do I need?
A. When you sit on your ball, your knees should be roughly at right angles. An approximate guide is less than 5'3" = 22" ball: 5'4" - 5'10" = 26" ball: 5'11" - 6'4" = 30" ball: over 6'4" = 34" ball
Q. What should I wear?
A. You don't need to rush out and buy new kit. Just wear something comfortable which you can move freely in
Q. I've never done any fitball training before. Are there different classes for different abilities?
A. The classes are designed so that all abilities can train together. You can do as much or as little as you're comfortable with.
Q. Who is my instructor?
A. Louise Harwood is your level 2 gym instructor qualified coach. Louise is a 5* event rider who has used fitball as part of her personal training for 30 years.

Payment Details & Event Fees

Organiser: Lindsey Wake 07815 565 504
Bookings & payment in advance online via My Riding Life.
Payment is secure and it goes directly to Shropshire South Riding Club.
You will receive an email confirmation of your booking and payment.

SSRC members £45, Non – members £55 for 6 sessions (block of 6 only, no individual sessions!)

Terms & Conditions

The organisers reserve the right to refuse entry, cancel, amalgamate or alter classes at their discretion.
SSRC health and safety statement – for full details please go to
Disclaimer: All persons attending SSRC events do so at their own risk. SSRC does not accept any liability, damage, injury or illness to horses, riders, spectators or their property.


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