Moreton Morrell Indoor Arena Hire with 20m x 60m Dressage boards & flowers (Going Ahead)

Show Date
Sun, May 26, 2024
Starting Times:

9am - 8 pm in hourly sessions.

Hire Slot 1
Dressage Arena Hire 20x60m - 9.00 - 10.00     (Closed)
Entry Fee:
Hire Slot 2
Dressage Arena Hire 20x60m - 10.00 - 11.00     (Closed)
Entry Fee:
Hire Slot 3
Dressage Arena Hire 20x60m - 11.00 - 12.00     (Closed)
Entry Fee:
Hire Slot 4
Dressage Arena Hire 20x60m - 12.00 - 13.00     (Closed)
Entry Fee:
Hire Slot 5
Dressage Arena Hire 20x60m - 13.00 - 14.00     (Closed)
Entry Fee:
Hire Slot 6
Dressage Arena Hire 20x60m - 14.00 - 15.00     (Closed)
Entry Fee:
Hire Slot 7
Dressage Arena Hire 20x60m - 15.00 - 16.00     (Closed)
Entry Fee:
Hire Slot 8
Dressage Arena Hire 20x40m - 16.00 - 17.00     (Closed)
Entry Fee:
Hire Slot 9
Dressage Arena Hire 20x60m - 17.00 - 18.00     (Closed)
Entry Fee:
Hire Slot 10
Dressage Arena Hire 20x60m - 18.00 - 19.00     (Closed)
Entry Fee:
Hire Slot 11
Dressage Arena Hire 20x60m - 19.00 - 20.00     (Closed)
Entry Fee:

Show Secretary: Wayne Rodwell
Equine Events & Commercial Manager, Warwickshire College, Moreton Morrell, Warwickshire, CV35 9BL
Tel: 0330 1356416, Mobile: 079285251349, Email:

Moreton Morrell, Warwickshire College, Moreton Morrell, Warwick, Warwickshire CV359BL
Map Link: Moreton Morrell

Show Information

 Indoor school arena hire - with 20m x 60m dressage boards and flowers. 

Up to 4 horses sharing. 


Payment Details & Event Fees

Bookings in advance. NO entries will be accepted by email or over the telephone.
Payment is secure and it goes directly to Moreton Morrell.
You will receive an email confirmation of your session entry and payment.

£35 per hour (You may bring up to 4 horses within each hour booked)


 No refunds or tansfering to another date after booking. 

Terms & Conditions





Under no circumstances will volunteered help by students be accepted unless procured through the work placement process.

Equine Flu.

All horses, ponies and donkeys attending events at Moreton Morrell must have received at least their first two vaccines. Animals with full programs are advised to have six monthly boosters, however annual boosters are acceptable. All Vaccines need to have 7 clear days before attending any event at Moreton Morrell.

All animals must have passports with them.


It is the show organisers responsibility to ensure all animals are vaccinated correctly from the start date of their program.  

Moreton Morrell staff or representatives may do spot checks – any animal with incorrect or lapsed programs or failing to show a passport to the matching animal will be asked to leave the site.



Following the first vaccination the second needs to be given not before 21 or after 92 days later. The third vaccination needs to be given not before 150 or after 215 days after the second and then booster vaccinations given annually, within 365 days.


Vaccination dates can be checked using the BRC Flu Vac checker 2020

Arenas, walkways and Car parks must be kept free of droppings throughout the duration of the booking.

All arenas to be left clear of equipment and droppings on departure.

Failure to do this may incur a charge a charge.

All rubbish to be put in the correct bins onsite - recycling and general waste bins are provided.

Stables to be left clean and any bedding left up around the stable sides. Stables which are left dirty after departure will be charged a fee of £10 which will be invoiced to the hirer.  No riding on any of the yards.

 Please use post code CV359BP if using SatNav and avoid event traffic driving through the village of Moreton Morrell.



1.                   The definitions referred to are at the back of this Agreement.



3.                   Cancellation


3.1                Cancellation subsequent to acceptance of the booking must be made in writing and may render the Hirer liable to the following cancellation charges:

Cancellation between:

56-29 days before event: 25% of total

28-15 days before the event: 50% of total

14 days of the event: 100% of total.


                The Hirer is also liable for charges incurred due to cancellation of bookings made by the College on the Hirer's behalf (eg entertainment, equipment and car hire).



              The College maintains Public Liability insurance to an indemnity limit of £25 million and in the aggregate in respect of Products Liability Insurance. The policy number for the above is CMK3976380. The policy is with Travelers Insurance Company through Hettle Andrews broker.

5.2                Hirers are required to provide insurance cover to the value of £5 million.  A copy of the insurance details must be attached to the booking form.  If you do not hold Public Liability insurance please advise the College immediately.  (Please note: The College cannot be held responsible for any losses, damages as a result of a claim.) 

               The College will not be held responsible for damage to any article brought onto the Premises.

               Parking is entirely at the owners' risk.  NB Hirers and participants may only park in designated spaces and parking is not permitted on private driveways and roads.

               The Hirer shall pay for any loss or damage to any part of the Premises, or to any fixtures, fittings and equipment which are caused by the Hirer, his guests or contracted employees.

               The Hirer shall indemnify the College for the cost of repair of any damage done to any part of the College Premises including the contents of the building which may occur during the Period of Hire.


               The Hirer shall indemnify the College against any third party claims which may occur during the Period of Hire.


                   General Health and Safety


                The Hirer agrees to follow the Health and Safety procedures in place with respect to Fire, First Aid, use of electrical equipment etc.  Copies of the procedures are available from the College Health and Safety Officer.


                Hirers must ensure they are familiar with, and comply with the relevant sections of the College Health and Safety policy.


                Under-age drinking, use of drugs and other illegal substances are strictly prohibited in the Premises and its grounds.


               Hirers must not, without the permission of the Event/Estates/Facilities` Manager:


- introduce equipment for use on College Premises;

- alter fixed installations;

- remove fire and safety notices and equipment;

- take action that may create hazards for persons using the Premises or the staff or students of the College.


              Hirers must be familiar with Section 8 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 which states that no person shall intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything which is provided in the interests of health, safety or welfare in accordance with any of the relevant statutory provisions.


 Where the Hirer creates hazardous conditions and does not take action to make them safe or does not eliminate them on request, the College will take any action necessary to prevent persons in their care from risk or injury.

                Risk assessments must be carried out by the Hirer for all activities with a significant level of risk and be appropriate to all participants, spectators, staff and others present at the event.

               Risk assessments are mandatory and must be made available at the time of booking.




              Prior to the Period of Hire, the Hirer should check the location of the relevant fire evacuation routes, fire alarm call points, extinguishers and Assembly Point details.

               Ensure all designated fire exit doors are left unobstructed and immediately available for exit.  Safe evacuation of the area of hire in case of emergency.


                On discovery of a fire, if the reception is staffed, dialling the College internal emergency number 2222 for Leamington, Trident, Henley and Moreton Morrell centers, can summon assistance.  Otherwise, the emergency services can be contacted directly by dialling (9) 999.


                When the fire alarm is heard:


-    only take personal belongings that are immediately to hand;

-    leave the building calmly and rapidly by the nearest safe fire exit;

-    Do not use the lifts;

-    use the nearest safe staircase;

-    Once outside of the building, proceed to the appropriate Fire Assembly Point;

-    Do not re-enter any building for any reason unless instructed to do so by the Controller or Evacuation Officer;

-    Keep the roads clear for emergency vehicles;

-    At the Assembly Point, report to the Controller who will record your presence.


                  Accidents and Incidents


                During the Period of Hire the Hirer is responsible for:


-    supervision of children and others for whom it is responsible;

-   safe admission and departure of persons to and from the Premises;

-    preservation of good order and decency in the Premises.

              The provision of first aid is the responsibility of the Hirer.


             If required a first-aider may be contacted, if the reception is staffed, by dialling the College's internal emergency number 2222 for Leamington, Trident, Henley and Moreton Morrell centres, or 8777. Otherwise, the ambulance service can be contacted directly by dialling (9) 999.


            When requiring a first-aider or an ambulance always state the following:


-    your name and extension number/mobile number;

-    location of the casualty;

-    sex and approximate age of the casualty;

-    as much information about the condition of the casualty as possible.


               The Hirer is required to carry a mobile phone during the Period of Hire so that any emergencies can be dealt with swiftly.

             Hirers are required to report any accidents or incidents which occur on College Premises to the Health and Safety Officer using a College Accident Report Form.

            College Management


                The Event/Estates/Facilities Manager or Estate Warden is responsible for opening the Premises/Facilities at the agreed time and will remain there until the Hirer or his representative arrives.


                The College will close and secure the Premises at the conclusion of the Period of Hire.


              The Event/Estates/Facilities Manager or Estate Warden is responsible for the provision of cleaning subject to a prior agreement (if requested in advance) and preparing hired accommodation for its normal use.


                Where the erection or dismantling of staging or the removal of furniture is required, the Hirer must detail this in the hiring agreement and may make an additional payment to the College.

              Facilities – Obligations of the Hirer


            Any damage done to the facilities/fabric and equipment – fair wear and tear excepted – will be made good by the College and the cost thereof will become due from the person(s) responsible for the damage.


       Participants are requested to wear appropriate dress and footwear for the activity in which they are engaged. Riding hats must be worn when riding.

            The Hirer shall not use the Facilities for any purpose other than the purpose for which it was hired and approved by the College.


          The Hirer's equipment or property, may only be stored with the prior consent of the College.  Any such property shall be stored entirely at the risk of the owner and the College shall not accept responsibility for any loss of, or damage to, any equipment or property stored.


            The Hirer shall not hold, or permit to be held any sweepstakes, raffle or other lottery at the venue during the hire unless permitted by law and with the permission of the College.

             The Hirer and all persons attending must comply with the requirements of the Licensing Act 1964, together with all statutory instruments since enacted.


           Participants and guests must be made aware of these regulations.


            A list of delegates should be provided to the local College Reception area as soon as possible after the commencement of the event/function.


                 General Terms


            No child under 18 years of age may use the Facilities without adult supervision.  This includes supervising the arrival and departure of children.  Children under 8 years of age must be supervised at all times and meet the requirements of the Children’s Act 1989.  The Hirer should not leave the site until all participants have left.

           Smoking (which for the avoidance of doubt includes the use of e-cigarettes or vaping)  is not permitted on College Premises except in designated smoking areas.

            Bottles, crisps, chocolate etc. must not be taken into the indoor halls or changing areas and food must be consumed outside only.  All litter to be put in bins provided.

            For block bookings, booking forms must state whether or not sessions will continue through holidays.  One calendar month notice in writing is required to terminate a booking.


            Any complaint must be made in writing to the College within 10 working days after the even

        All publicity produced in connection with a hiring must be approved by the College before being issued for display.

     The College asks that non-religious headgear (such as 'hoodies', baseball caps) are removed whilst on College premises.


            At the expiration of the event, the Hirer is to leave the Premises in a clean and tidy state and is to remove all equipment previously brought in by or on behalf of the Hirer.


            Hirers should ensure compliance with child protection legislation which may require Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) checks in some circumstances. 
                Equal Opportunities


        Warwickshire College is committed to serving the wider community by developing equality in all its actions.  We ask you to respect our policy and procedures when using our venues. Copies of the Policy are available on request. 

            The Hirer should inform the College if those attending have any specific additional needs, for example, restricted mobility, requiring assistance with evacuating the building, parking or dietary needs.

                 Equality Act 2010


      The College strives to comply with all aspects of the Act and will not treat disabled people less favourably.

            Hirers must ensure that disabled people are able to attend and participate in meetings and events. Also see 12.2.



             General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (EU GDPR)


All personal data that you provide on this Hire Agreement will be processed in accordance with the EU GDPR. Your personal data will only be processed by WCG for the purpose of managing your booking under the terms of this Hire Agreement and will not be passed on for marketing purposes. Please note: it will be necessary to share personal data, as provided by you on this Hire Agreement, with WCG employees for the purpose of managing your booking.



               Freedom of Information Act 2000


In so far as the Freedom of Information Act 2000 applies to the College, the College will comply with those provisions.







Means the letting agreement entered into by the Hirer of the Premises together with the annexed Conditions.



"the College"

Means Warwickshire College, Royal Leamington Spa, Rugby & Moreton Morrell.



"Force Majeure"

Any event outside the control of the parties which delays or prevents either party from performing its obligations. This term shall include, without limitation: (a) acts of God, flood, drought, earthquake or other natural disaster; (b) epidemic or pandemic; (c) terrorist attack, civil war, civil commotion or riots, war, threat of or preparation for war, armed conflict, imposition of sanctions, embargo, or breaking off of diplomatic relations; (d) nuclear, chemical or biological contamination or sonic boom; (e) any law or any action taken by a government or public authority; (f) collapse of buildings, fire, explosion or accident; and (g) any labour or trade dispute, strikes, industrial action or lockouts.












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