Elstead Riding Club Membership Application Form 2023 (Going Ahead)

Show Date
Sun, Jan 1, 2023 to Wed, Nov 1, 2023
Closing Date
Wed, Nov 1, 2023
Starting Times:

Please note that juniors are those under 18 years as at 1st January 2023
The membership year runs from 1st January – 31st December each year – members may join at any point during the year, but renewal will fall due on 1st January of the next year.

Booking Type 1
Membership (Annual Senior Individual)     (Closed)
Ticket Cost:
Booking Type 2
Membership (Annual Junior Individual)     (Closed)
Ticket Cost:
Booking Type 3
Membership (Annual 3 Family Members)     (Closed)
Ticket Cost:
Booking Type 4
Membership (Annual 4 Family Members)     (Closed)
Ticket Cost:
Booking Type 5
Membership (Annual Non Riding)     (Closed)
Ticket Cost:

Show Secretary: Elstead Riding Club
Deer Park Cottage, Grayswood Road, GRAYSWOOD, HASLEMERE, Surrey, GU27 2DJ
Tel: 07773654223, Mobile: 07773654223, Email: jennydutton5@googlemail.com

Elstead Riding Club Field, The Club Field, Seale Road, Elstead, Surrey

Payment Details & Event Fees

Membership Secretary: Mrs Marion Spencer, Woodpeckers Rest, Beacon View Road, Elstead, Surrey GU8 6DT. Email: marion.spencer@aol.co.uk. Telephone: 07860 728519.

FAMILY MEMBERSHIP (3 riding members) £110.00
FAMILY MEMBERSHIP (4 riding members) £140.00

Family Membership - the family membership fee allows for either three or four riding members. Please list all family members, including date of birth for juniors. Should you require more than four riding members please contact the membership secretary, Marion Spencer, for further information.

NB £20 per member goes direct to British Riding Clubs as part of the affiliation fees

Terms & Conditions

1. All members are governed by the Club's Rules and Constitution, which can be seen at www.elsteadridingclub.co.uk
2. A ‘Riding Hat’, designed to provide protection and with a three point harness properly adjusted and fitted, must be worn at all times when mounted by anyone, whether or not a competitor, at all Elstead Riding Club events/competitions, including exercising, warming up and competing. Failure to do so may incur elimination. The British Riding Clubs standard for protective headgear can be found at: http://www.bhs.org.uk/enjoy-riding/british-riding-clubs/brc-handbook Competitors are responsible for ensuring their hat meets the required standard.
3. It is hoped that all members will help at a minimum of two events per year. Where junior members are too young to help, their parents will be asked to help in their place.
“I agree to abide by the rules of the Club and the Conditions of Membership.”

Personal information that you supply to us may be used in a number of ways to facilitate your riding club membership. It should be noted that as we are affiliated to the British Horse Society as a British Riding Club, your personal information will be shared with them in order to fulfill your BRC membership benefits and they may share with associates for the purpose of fulfilling your full membership benefits i.e. insurance providers. We / BRC will automatically contact you about your membership: for example, to ensure you receive your membership benefits, to tell you about news, activities and events. This includes sending you a regular newsletter, magazine, email updates, information on other membership events, and publishing competition times and results in the public domain.


Email Secretary - jennydutton5@googlemail.com
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