Optimum Events Online Dressage (Going Ahead)

Show Date
Sun, Nov 27, 2022
Starting Times:

Send completed tests via WhatsApp to 07881 802129 stating date of competition, rider name, class number & test/s being ridden.

Class 1
Introductory - PYO    
Entry Fee:
Pick Your Own INTRODUCTORY Test (Please specify which test/s you wish to ride on your entry)
Class 2
Preliminary - PYO    
Entry Fee:
Pick Your Own PRELIMINARY Test (Please specify which test/s you wish to ride on your entry)
Class 3
Novice - PYO    
Entry Fee:
Pick Your Own NOVICE Test (Please specify which test/s you wish to ride on your entry)
Class 4
Elementary - PYO    
Entry Fee:
Pick Your Own ELEMENTARY Test (Please specify which test/s you wish to ride on your entry)
Class 5
Medium - PYO    
Entry Fee:
Pick Your Own MEDIUM Test (Please specify which test/s you wish to ride on your entry)
Class 6
Advanced Medium - PYO    
Entry Fee:
Pick Your Own ADVANCED MEDIUM Test (Please specify which test/s you wish to ride on your entry)
Class 7
Advanced - PYO Long Arena    
Entry Fee:
A100, A102 &/or A105
Class 8
Pick A Test - FEI PYO    
Entry Fee:
FEI PSG, Inter I, Inter II &/or GP
Class 9
Team Dressage - PYO    
Entry Fee:
Teams can be made up of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 4 riders. Teams must register their name and it's members. Additional reserve riders can be added up to a maximum of 7 riders with unlimited horses. All teams must be made up of a unique combination of members. Horses can be ridden twice on the same team if ridden by two different riders. A rider may not ride more than once for a team. Teams can be made up of riders competing in any level of test. Only the highest placed 3 scores will count towards to the team score on each competition, if 4 team members, the lowest score will be dropped.
Class 10
Music Freestyle - PYO    
Entry Fee:
Freestyle PYO: Please state your test on your entry, thank you.

Show Secretary: Duncan Whitney-Groom
Firs Barn, Debenham Lane, Stowupland, Stowmarket, Suffolk, IP14 5GT
Mobile: 07881802129, Email: info@optimumeventmanagement.co.uk

Optimum Events Online Dressage, Suffolk

Show Information

Tests to be submitted before midnight on Sunday 27 November, Judging will take place the following week and results uploaded to www.optimumdressage.co.uk 
All classes Judged by British Dressage Listed Judges 
Please ensure your test is filmed from C (filmed from turn down centre line to final halt & salute), it MUST BE FILMED IN LANDSCAPE FORMAT & ZOOM APPLIED WHEN THE HORSE & RIDER ARE WORKING AT THE FAR END OF THE ARENA.
Callers allowed at all levels. Tack permitted as per BD rules, no martingales or other training aids. Correctly fitted hat and gloves must be worn throughout.

Payment Details & Event Fees

Entries in advance only. You can book using our Secure Online Entry System.
Payment is secure and it goes directly to OEM.
You will receive an email confirmation of your booking and payment.

Entry Fee: £12.00 per class
Send completed tests via WhatsApp to 07881 802129 stating date of competition, rider name, class number & test/s being ridden.

Prize Information

Score sheets & rosettes will be sent via Royal Mail following each competition and results being published on our website.

Terms & Conditions

1. By completing an entry, either online, in writing by post or over the telephone, you agree to the following terms and conditions. All entries must be accompanied with the appropriate fees, paid either by credit/debit card, cash or cheque (made payable to ‘Optimum Event Management’). 2. Withdrawals, where possible should be made before the close of entries. No refund will be made to those withdrawing after the close of entries. Fifty percent of total entry fees will be returned to those whose withdrawal is received before the close of entries. 3. All Dressage competitions shall run under British Dressage rules, unless stated otherwise. 4. The organisers reserve the right to refuse any entry without reason, to cancel or alter any class, section or competition as they see fit without giving reason. Classes may be split if entries warrant. 5. The judge’s and organisers decision is final. Any objections must be lodged with the Secretary within 15 minutes of the incident and supported by a £25 deposit, which will be returned if the objection is upheld. 6. Optimum Event Management, the organisers, their representatives or helpers do not accept liability for injury, damage or loss suffered by spectators, competitors, their horses, grooms, friends, vehicles or property, however caused, and under any circumstances, except proven negligence of the organisers. Claims for negligence against the organisers must be submitted in writing on the day of competition. 7. All competitors must compete in the declared order. 8. Correct riding attire must be worn by all competitors unless stated otherwise. Current BSI hard hats must be worn and properly secured at all times whilst mounted. 9. The welfare and health of all horses attending any event is paramount. Any horse deemed to be sick or injured in any way will be immediately eliminated and the owner shall be asked to remove the horse from the venue. All horses must be no younger than 4 years old. 10. If the organisers cancel an event, an administration fee of £2.50/per class will be retained on all entries. It is the competitors responsibility to contact the organiser on 07881 802129 to confirm if the event has been cancelled, however status updates will be available from our event listing and the ‘Optimum Event Management’ Facebook page and/or Twitter account . 11. Lunging is not permitted. 12. Entries in some cases will be limited, and if after the closing date entries are over-subscribed, a ballot will operate. Waiting lists will be kept for all over-subscribed classes. Classes may start early and might also run into the evening. 13. Dogs must be kept on leads at all times and remain the responsibility of the owner. If any dog is found loose on the venue grounds unattended, then appropriate action will be taken. Dogs are not permitted into any indoor space. 14. Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times. 15. It is the responsibility of all competitors to ensure that the grounds of the venue are kept clean and litter put in the bins provided. Any person found to be disobeying these rules will be asked to leave the venue immediately. 16. The organiser reserves the right to ask any person in breach of these terms and conditions, to leave the venue immediately. 17. The organiser reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions should the need arise. 18. Smoking is not permitted whilst mounted.


Email Secretary - info@optimumeventmanagement.co.uk
Copyright 1999 - 2025 : Equine Affairs
Event promoted by www.equineaffairs.com - The UK's Biggest Show Directory, www.myridinglife.com - The UK's Biggest Show Entries Website and is part of Show Software produced by Affairs Group IT www.affairsgroup.co.uk