Keysoe International F & I Event Stabling Only (Going Ahead)

Show Date
Mon, Jan 3, 2022 to Tue, Jan 4, 2022

Class 0
Stabling and/or Hook Up Only (No Class Entries)    
If you would like to book Stables please select Class 0 and enter the name of the horse/ riders you wish to book for. Fully complete the next tabs to secure your items. Check you have purchased and added these to your basket for payment, thank you.

Show Secretary: Keysoe International Show Secretary
Church Road, Keysoe, Bedford, Bedfordshire, MK44 2JP
Tel: 01234 708400, Mobile: 07999429350, Email:, Website:

Keysoe International, Church Road, Keysoe, Bedford, Bedfordshire MK442JP

Payment Details & Event Fees
Entries in advance only. You can enter using a Secure Online Entry System
Payment is secure and it goes directly to Keysoe International.
You will receive an email confirmation of your class entry and payment.

Terms & Conditions

1. All bookings of the centre, once confirmed, are liable to a 50% cancellation fee should they be moved or cancelled Cancellation of a full day without 3 months written notice, or a part day without a weeks notice will make the total fee due.
2. Keysoe International reserve the right to cancel, add to or amend any of the Competitions as they see fit due to weather conditions etc.
3. The ability to tie up horses to the outside of boxes is a privilege not a right. This practice WILL BE BANNED if horses continue to be left unattended, or are allowed to dig up the lorry park surface. No horses to be tied to buildings or fencing. No haynets outside horseboxes
4. Once an entry has been made, withdrawal will entail forfeiture of that fee. Fees will be liable immediately for any telephone / fax or e-mailed entry made after the closing date. Non declaration does not remove the requirement to pay the entry fee due
5. All unaffiliated events are run under the guidance of affiliated rules-BSJA BD or BE.
6. The decision of the judge is final.
7. Neither Keysoe International, not any of its representative or staff shall be held liable for any accident, injury or damage or loss whatsoever, howsoever caused to any person animal or property at any time.
8. Please dispose of your litter thoughtfully in bins provided.
9. Please do not muck out into car parks.
10. Please ask organizers before riding on grass. Any lungeing is by prior permission only, and is never permitted indoors or outdoors. You are politely requested to pick up all droppings on arenas after your animal. Any damage to any property owned or hired or rented by or from Keysoe International apart from normal wear and tear will be paid for at cost at the time of damage
11. Smoking is only permitted in designated areas, and prohibited around the stable block or in arenas.
12. All dogs must be kept on leads. Dogs are not permitted on the veranda. If dog owners do not clean up their own dogs mess, this privilege will be removed. No dogs in arenas.
13. All horse and ponies must only move through areas shared with pedestrians at walk.
14. No competitor / rider shall allow a stallion for which they are responsible as owner, lessee, authorised agent or rider to compete or be prepared to compete, in any competition without taking adequate precautions to ensure competitors, officials or other members of the public are not put at risk of injury
15. Keysoe International reserves the right to refuse entry to class and show ground.
16. Children must be under adult supervision at all times
17. All competitors/riders must wear correctly fastened hats to current approved safety standards and be correctly and appropriately dressed at all times when riding.
18. Keysoe International reserves the right to restrict prizes to one for every five entries, in accordance with BS Rule 76 (6)
19. Formal objections must be made within 30 minutes of event, accompanied by a deposit of £25, forfeited if the objection is over ruled. Constructive criticism is welcomed


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