Eridge Pony Club Horse Trials (Going Ahead)

Show Date
Sun, Jun 13, 2021
Closing Date
Tue, Jun 1, 2021
Entries Open
Fri, Apr 23, 2021
Starting Times:

Entries close on Tuesday 1 June.     No late or telephone/email entries

Start times will be posted on My Riding Life and Eridge PC website from Thursday 10 June

Competitors to print their own number ( a link will be available with start times) and bring to the event.  2 numbers are required for the number bib plus a third number to be displayed in fromt of vehicle with contact number please

Courses may be walked on Saturday 12 June between 2pm and 5pm- gates will be locked at 5pm.


Class 1
PC90 (0.90m)    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
PC90 Combination not to have completed any PC or BE event above 100cm Dressage test Pony Club PC90 Eventing Test 2013 Show Jumping Max 95cm 325mpm Cross Country Max 90cm 450mpm Stopwatches are permitted in this class
Class 2
PC80 (0.80m)    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
PC80 Combination not to have completed any PC or BE event above 90cm Dressage Test Pony Club Grassroots Test 2018 Show Jumping Max 85cm 300mpm Cross Country Max 80cm 435mpm Stopwatches are not permitted in this class
Class 3
PC70 (0.70m)    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
PC70 Combination not to have completed any PC or BE event at 80cm or above Dressage Test Pony Club Introduction Dressage Test 2019 ( may be commanded) Show Jumping Max 75cm Cross Country Max 70cm Stopwatches are not permitted in this class

Show Secretary: Eridge Pony Club

Lodge Farm Cross Country, Bramble Reed Lane, Matfield, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN127ET

Show Information

Eridge Hunt Branch of the Pony Club Horse Trials

Open to All Pony Club Members  

PC70, PC80, PC90 - INDIVIDUALS only

Venue:  Lodge Farm, Bramble Reed Lane, Matfield Kent TN12 7ET   by kind permission of the Hughes Family

COVID-19 Return to Sport guidelines will be followed


All competitors must read and comply with the latest guidelines from Government and The Pony Club


Organiser and Secretary:  Mrs Suzy Bulll  Buss's Green Farm, Cousley Wood, Wadhurst East Sussex TN5 6QU

Email:            Mobile:  07974936024



Payment Details & Event Fees

Entries in advance only. You can enter using a Secure Online Entry System.
Payment is secure and it goes directly to Eridge Pony Club.
You will receive an email confirmation of your class entry and payment - it is your responsibility to check receipt of confirmation email.

Prize Information

 In accordance with COVID-19 guidelines there will be no prizegiving on site

Rosettes     1st - 8th in easch Section    plus Best Dressage and Best Eridge PC member

Prizes          1st - 3rd

Rosettes and prizes will be posted in the week following the event

Provisional results will be posted on Eridge PC website asap on completion of the class with Final results posted 24 hours later 



 Takeaway refreshements only provided by Hines Event Catering

Please socially distance and wear a face mask whilst queueing / purchasing


 In the event of cancellation due to circumstances beond our control £5 per competitor will be withheld to cover costs

Entries will not be refunded after the closing date unless a Doctor's or Vet's certificate is produced within 7 days

Terms & Conditions

It is a condition of entry that all competitors read and abide by the following rules:

This event will br run under the Pony CLub Eventing Rules 2020 and 2021 Rule Changes

No horse or pony may compete more than once.  Horses/ponies must be at least 5 years old.  No one other than the competitor may ride the horse/pony at the event.

All horses/ponies must have been vaccinated against Equine Flu in the last 12 months but not within the 7 days clear preceding the event.  All entries to be made in passport name  - please bring passport as there will be spot checks on day

Horses/ponies must not be left tied unattended to a lorry/trailer at any time

Rider ages taken as of 1 january 2021


Only 2 persons (max)  are permitted to attend to assist a rider, no additional spectators or family members please.

Hats must meet current Pony Club standardds and must be worn at all times when mounted with chinstrap fastened.  Hats must be tagged with current aquamarine PC tag - please try to have your hat tagged by your Branch ahead of the event.

Body Protectors must be worn for the cross country phase but are optional for dressage and show jumping.   The body protector must meet the BETA 2009 Level 3 standard ( purple label) or BETA 2018 Level 3 standard ( blue & black label)  If using an air jacket a body protector must be worn underneath.

Hairnets to be worn if hair lenght is below the nape of the neck.  No jewellery or piercings allowed. 

The dressage test ,may be commanded in Class 3 PC70 only

If eliminated in the Show jumping phase you will only be allowed to go cross country if considered safe by the show jumping judges 

Stopwatches are not permitted in PC70 and PC80

The judges' decision is final. Objections to be lodged with the Secretary in writing within 30 minutes, together with a deposit of £10.

The organisers reserve the right to alter or cancel classes

No mucking out of lorries/trailers.  Please pick up dropiings and hay in the lorry park and take all litter home with you.

Dogs must be kept on SHORT leads.  Please clear up after your dog.



 a) Save for the death or personal injury caused by negligence of the organisers, or anyone for whom they are in law responsible, neither the organisers of this event or THe Pony Club nor any agent, employee or representative of these bodies , or the landlord or his tenant, accpets any liability for any accident, loss, damage, injury or illness to horses, owners, riders, spectators. land, cars, their contents and accessories, or any other personal property whatsoever, whether caused by their negligence, breach of contract or in any other way whatsoever,  Entries are only accepted on this basis.


b) The organisers of this event have taken all reasonable precautions to ensure the health and safety of everyone present at this event. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents.  They must obey the instructions of the organsiers and all officials and stewards.


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