Keysoe Riding Club Evening Outdoor Unaffiliated Dressage (Results Available)

Show Date
Thu, Jul 22, 2021
Closing Date
Fri, Jul 16, 2021
Starting Times:

Times posted on KRC website and Facebook Sunday prior to the competition.

Arrive - Compete - Leave

Please state in the notes if you require early/late time and if you are traveling with anyone so that we can reduce the time people are waiting arround. 

Event rules can be found here:

Class 1
Introductory - Test A ( 2008) - Short    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Class 2
Preliminary - Test 7 (Rev 2016) ( 2002) - Short    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Class 3
Preliminary - Test 13 (Rev 2016) ( 2006) - Short    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Class 4
Pick A Test - PYO    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
PYO: Novice 24(2016), Elementary 42(2008), BE90 test 92(2009)
Please state Test on your entry
Class 5
Pick A Test - PYO    
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
PYO: Novice 34 (2016), Elementary 49 (2009), BE90 test 95 (2012)
Please state Test on your entry

Show Secretary: Keysoe Riding Club Show Secretary
Butts Leys Barns, Lower Dean, Huntingdon, Cambs, PE28 0LJ

Keysoe International, Church Road, Keysoe, Bedford, Bedfordshire MK442JP

Show Information

Entries close on the Friday before the event, with late entries (£5) accepted (space permitting) until the Sat before the event.
Jackets, stocks/ties and light jodhpurs are preferred, if this is not possible please ensure that you and your horse are clean and well turned out as you would be for any other competition. Hats, to currently approved British Safety Standards, must be worn at all times when mounted. If you are not a KRC member you will need to have you own liability insurance.
Callers Permitted.

Dress: Competitors must wear correct competition dress, hard hats which comply with the BRC rules must be worn when riding. 

Numbers: Competitors are required to display a competitor number, either on the bridle, Saddlecloth or in a number bib.  Entry to the warmup area and competition shall be refused to those who do not wear a number.

Parking: Please park in designated parking area 5m apart.

Spectators: This is a closed event, no spectators.  1 rider + 1 helper (junior or disabled +2).  No helpers in the warm up - steward only.  If Possible, please give the details of your +1 in the notes

Vaccinations  & Passports: Annual vaccinations.  It is a legal requirement that horses and ponies travel with their correct passports, passports may be inspected at this event

Please read the terms and conditions

Arrive - Compete - Leave


Payment Details & Event Fees

Entries in advance only - My Riding Life/Keysoe Riding Club Website 
You can enter using our Secure Online Entry System. 
Payment is secure and it goes directly to Keysoe Riding Club. 
You will receive an email confirmation of your class entry and payment.

Entry Fees: KRC members - £15 per class. Non-members - £19 per class.

Prize Information

 Scores: Live scores will be available throughout the event published to Websites & FB. 

There will not be an official prize giving,  rosettes to 6th place may be available on the night.

Please leave a clearly named stamped addressed envelope if you would like your sheet (and rosette) to be posted out. Sheets will only be kept untill the next evening dressage after which they will be shredded. 


In the unlikely event of a cancellation, refunds shall be dealt with at the discretion of the event organisers, a 10% administration fee shall be deducted from refunds. 

No refund/withdrawals once times have been published.  Direct swaps may occur at the discretion of the organiser.


Terms & Conditions

Event rules can be found here:

The event will be running under DB rules the most up to date covid information can be found here:

InsuranceThe event organiser has overall responsibility for the health and safety of the competition to ensure that appropriate health and safety legislation is met. A risk assessment has been carried out and necessary control measures have been imposed.  The event organisers and landowner do not accept any liability for accidents, loss, damage, injury or illness to horse, owners, riders, spectators land or any other person or property whatsoever.  It shall be deemed a condition of entry that each entrant shall agree to indemnify the promoters against any legal action arising from such incident.

All BRC members will be covered by their BRC insurance. Non-members are not covered by BRC insurance. It is mandatory for anyone attending this event to have third party liability insurance.  

Complaints: The decisions of the judges and/or organisers are final.  Any objection must be made to the show secretary in writing within 30 minutes of closing the class, accompanied by a deposit of £10 which may be refunded.


Anyone displaying, or who has been in contact with someone displaying Covid-19 symptoms however mild should stay at home. Check your temperature before leaving home.

Track and Trace:  By entering this event you are consenting for your details to be held for NHS test & trace purpose.

Social Distancing and Max numbers: KRC are positively encouraging social distancing.  KRC shall not permit more than 6 people in one area. 

Disqualifation: By entering you are agreeing to abide by the rules.  Anyone who does not comply with the event request will be disqualified and asked to leave the site immediately.  Any BRC members who do not comply shall also be reported to BRC for further disciplinary action


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