Easton College British Dressage (Results Available)

Show Date
Sun, Jun 20, 2021
Closing Date
Thu, Jun 10, 2021
Starting Times:
From 18:00 to 23:59
Send by Text:

Class 1
Preliminary S Q - Test 17(a) ( 2017) - Long    
Bronze, Silver, Gold
Entry Fee:
£26.00, £10.00, £5.00
Class Sponsor:
Class 2
Preliminary S Q - Test 19 ( 2008) - Long    
Bronze, Silver, Gold
Entry Fee:
£26.00, £10.00, £5.00
Class Sponsor:
Class 3
Music Freestyle S - Prelim ( 2016) - Long    
Entry Fee:
Class 4
Novice S Q - Test 37(a) ( 2017) - Long    
Bronze, Silver, Gold
Entry Fee:
£26.00, £10.00, £5.00
Class Sponsor:
Class 5
Music Freestyle S - Novice ( 2019) - Long    
Bronze, Silver, Gold
Entry Fee:
Class 6
Elementary S Q - Test 53 ( 2007) - Long    
Bronze, Silver, Gold
Entry Fee:
£26.00, £10.00, £5.00
Class Sponsor:
Class 7
Music Freestyle S - Elem ( 2019) - Long    
Bronze, Silver, Gold
Entry Fee:
Class 8
Medium S Q - Test 73 ( 2007) - Long    
Bronze, Silver, Gold
Entry Fee:
£26.00, £10.00, £5.00
Class Sponsor:
Class 9
Music Freestyle S - Med. ( 2016) - Long    
Bronze, Silver, Gold
Entry Fee:
Class 10
Advanced Medium S Q - Test 91 ( 2016) - Long    
Bronze, Silver, Gold
Entry Fee:
£30.00, £15.00, £10.00
Class Sponsor:
Andrews Bowen
Class 11
Music Freestyle S - Adv Med ( 2016)    
Entry Fee:

Show Secretary: Matthew Breese
Equine Centre Commercial Manager, Easton College, Easton, Norwich, Norfolk, NR9 5GA
Tel: 01603 731264, Mobile: 07717 484142, Email: matthew.breese@ccn.ac.uk, Website: www.easton.ac.uk

Easton College, Easton, Norwich, Norfolk NR95GA
Map Link: Easton College

Payment Details & Event Fees

Entries in advance only. You can book using our Secure Online Entry System.
Payment is secure and it goes directly to Easton College.
You will receive an email confirmation of your booking and payment.

Stabling Information: Yes
But restricted
Practice Judging: Yes

Terms & Conditions

By completing an entry, either online, by post or over the telephone, you agree to the following terms and conditions.  All entries must be accompanied with the appropriate fees, paid either by credit/debit card, cash, or cheque (made payable to City College Norwich).

Withdrawals, where possible should be made before the close of entries.  No refund/transfer will be made to those withdrawing after the close of entries.  Fifty percent of total entry fees will be returned to those whose withdrawal is received before the close of entries if entry not transferred to a future event.


All Dressage competitions shall run under British Dressage rules, unless stated otherwise.

The organisers reserve the right to refuse any entry without reason, to cancel or alter any class, section or competition as they see fit without giving reason. Classes may be split if entries warrant.

The judge’s and organisers decision is final.  Any objections must be lodged with the Secretary within 15 minutes of the incident and supported by a £25 deposit, which will be returned if the objection is upheld.

Easton College which is part of City College Norwich, the organisers, their representatives or helpers do not accept liability for injury, damage or loss suffered by spectators, competitors, their horses, grooms, friends, vehicles or property, however caused, and under any circumstances, except proven negligence of the organisers.  Claims for negligence against the organisers must be submitted in writing on the day of competition.

All competitors must compete in the declared order and display their competitor number at all times when mounted.

Correct riding attire must be worn by all competitors unless stated otherwise.  Current BSI hard hats must be worn and properly secured at all times whilst mounted.

The welfare and health of all horses attending any event is paramount.  Any horse deemed to be sick or injured in any way will be immediately eliminated and the owner shall be asked to remove the horse from the venue.  All horses must be no younger than 4 years old.

If the organisers cancel an event, an administration fee of £2.50/per class will be retained on all entries.  It is the competitors’ responsibility to contact the organiser on 07717 484142 to confirm if the event has been cancelled, however status updates will be available from our event listing and the ‘Easton College Equestrian Centre’ Facebook page.

Lunging is not permitted on either of the arenas, however the lunge pen can be used by prior arrangement.

Entries in some cases will be limited, and if after the closing date entries are over-subscribed, a ballot will operate.  Waiting lists will be kept for all over-subscribed classes.  Classes may start early and might also run into the evening.

Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times.

It is the responsibility of all competitors to ensure that the grounds of the venue are kept clean and litter put in the bins provided.  Any person found to be disobeying these rules will be asked to leave the venue immediately.

The organiser reserves the right to ask any person in breach of these terms and conditions, to leave the venue immediately.

The organiser reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions should the need arise.

Smoking is permitted only in the designated smoking shelters. 


Email Secretary - matthew.breese@ccn.ac.uk
Copyright 1999 - 2025 : Equine Affairs
Event promoted by www.equineaffairs.com - The UK's Biggest Show Directory, www.myridinglife.com - The UK's Biggest Show Entries Website and is part of Show Software produced by Affairs Group IT www.affairsgroup.co.uk